Every day, the Society’s 45,000 members and volunteers and over 3,000 staff respond to the call to help those in need.
This would not be possible without the generous support of Australians who give in so many ways, whether by donating to our Vinnies shop network, or volunteering their time, or making financial contributions.
In helping others, we are also called to advocate for change. Our Values include working to redress the causes of poverty and challenge human injustice.
This Statement has been authorised by Mark Gaetani, St Vincent de Paul Society Australia, Deakin ACT.
Justice and Compassion Booklet Justice and Compassion Brochure
The booklet and brochure cover four key policy areas:
The Justice and Compassion’s policy changes reduce inequality, lift people out of poverty and improve their physical and emotional wellbeing.
The Justice and Compassion statement is based on the experiences of those we assist and has been approved by the Society’s National Council.
Since the pandemic, Australia has experienced a cost-of-living crisis, a housing crisis, high inflation and high interest rates. Although wages have improved, they have grown less than in most OECD countries. And we know that households relying on income support payments are really suffering. Australia-wide, one-in-six children are living in poverty, and great disadvantage persists in many communities.
Government policies must be just and compassionate. They should reduce inequality and be robust, evidence based and directed to areas of greatest need.
We encourage you to approach your local federal candidates, outline our position on these important issues, and ask them what they will do to improve the lives of all Australians.
As our founder Blessed Frédéric Ozanam said,
“Justice is a fixed star which human societies try to follow from their uncertain orbits. It can be seen from different points of view, but justice itself remains unchanged.”
The Society’s full federal policy papers are accessible at Let’s Build a Fairer Australia! You can make a difference by advocating on behalf of those you assist.
This information was developed for members, volunteers, staff and the general public in the lead up to the 2025 Federal election.
The St Vincent de Paul Society National Council has released its Federal Election Statement, Justice and Compassion. There are four recommendations that call on the Australian Government to lift people out of poverty. These include an adequate safety net, safe and secure housing options, meeting the needs of First Nations Peoples and welcoming people seeking asylum. For more information go to
To help monitor advocacy efforts, and to assist with ensuring a national advocacy approach, please email with details of your proposed meeting and, where possible, any photos or key outcomes that were discussed.
Please note if you wish to express your views on matters not covered by Justice and Compassion, clearly state that they are your personal opinions, and not those of the Society.
Your National Council President and State or Territory President have written to major political party presidents, candidates in targeted marginal seats and incumbent MPs and the half Senate.
However, you can bring the Society’s voice to life by outlining our recommendations to candidates in your electorate and explaining what we want them to commit to if they are elected.
Talk to the issues you know about and outline what’s been happening to people in your community since the last election but remember to de-identify any personal stories about those you have assisted.
Your opinion is valuable, and it will assist your future MP to influence public policy and represent your community.
To find contact details for your incumbent MP and Senators, visit the APH website:
For other candidates, contact details may be available on specific party or independent websites.
Information on your electorate is also available on the AEC website:
For larger states, please contact your Central Council/Regional Council Social Justice Rep before contacting your MP and/or candidate because they can update you on relevant developments and let you know if any other contact arrangements have been put in place in your state or territory.
Draft a short email or letter introducing yourself as a local constituent and St Vincent de Paul Society member and request a time to meet to discuss key issues outlined in Justice and Compassion, which should be attached (or linked).
Follow up with a phone call if you’ve not heard back after a couple of days and accept offers to meet with a member of staff, if the MP and/or candidate is not available.
The purpose of the meeting is to raise awareness of Justice and Compassion, and to begin or continue to maintain a relationship with your local MP, Senator or candidate.
One great way to bring attention to the Society’s calls for action in the lead up to the 2025 federal election is to post a notice in your parish bulletin. Share information on Justice and Compassion with fellow parishioners using the following text and QR code
The St Vincent de Paul Society Australia has released its 2025 Federal Election Statement, Justice and Compassion. The Society’s calls for action include:
We ask all those interested in a fairer Australia to read the Society’s Statement and raise these issues with your local candidates.
Please use these social media tiles to promote Justice and Compassion
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