
Report card

People seeking asylum


Accept at least 20,000 additional refugees annual

Note 1
2Increase the annual humanitarian intake through a standing process that is enabled when need arisesNote 2Note 3

End the fast-track assessment process


Reassess those rejected by fast-track assessment process

5Repeal temporary protection, provide permanent protection (including TPVs, SHEVs)

End offshore processing


Resettle those in PNG and Nauru in Australia or other safe country

Note 4Note 5

Fund an adequate safety net

Note 6

Support family reunion

10Make detention a last resort. Let asylum seekers live in the community while their immigration status is resolved


1. Increase intake to 50,000 people per year, plus an additional 10,000 per year through a sponsorship program.

2. 16,500 Afghan places available in addition to Sponsorship Program.

3. Sponsorship Program available.

4. NZ offer accepted. Six remain in detention after transferred from PNG & Nauru.

5. Accept NZ offer. Negotiate resettlement to other third countries.

6. Means-tested access to some services. Work rights, Medicare, social security and education accessible while cases are assessed.

First Nations peoples


Prioritise Constitutional Recognition - don't decouple it from The Voice

Note 1Note 2

Raise the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14 years

Note 3
3Fund Aboriginal-controlled organisations to meet Closing the Gap targetsNote 4Note 5


1. Also establish a Makarrata Commission.

2. Treaty before Constitutional Recognition.

3. To be reviewed with states/territories.

4. Sustain progress by funding health and housing.

5. $371 million to community-led health organisations and funding under the National Legal Assistance Partnership to be doubled.

Secure work

1Redefine casual work, address the gig economy and create pathways to permanencyNote 1

Develop a national system of labour hire licencing


Review mutual obligation requirements and employment programs

Note 2
4Invest in well targeted wage subsidies and vocational training programsNote 3Note 4


1. Secure Australian Jobs Plan and gender pay equity made an objective under the Fair Work Act.

2. Remove mutual obligations and undertake fundamental reforms to address employment services. Replace Jobactive with public employment service.

3. 450,000 regional jobs, 29,000 regional apprentices.

4. 465,000 fee-free TAFE places. Jobs and Skills Australia. New energy skills and apprenticeships.

Affordable housing, reducing homelessness


Develop a National Housing Strategy

Note 1Note 2Note 3

 Establish a $10 billion Social and Affordable Housing Fund

Note 4Note 5Note 6

 Increase Commonwealth Rent Assistance (CRA) by 50%

Note 7

Reinstate the National Rental Affordability Scheme or similar program


Fund the National Low Income Energy Productivity program

Note 8

Develop national minimum standards for renters and landlords

Note 9


1. Plan for Housing and Home Ownership includes enabling first home buyers to access up to 40% ($50,000) of their superannuation to purchase a home; persons aged over 55 years investing up to $300,000 from the sale of the primary residence into superannuation; doubling the assets test exemption to two years when pensioners downsize from their family home; raising the number of low-deposit guarantees for first home buyers to 35,000 per year; increasing property price gaps for the Home Guarantee Scheme; and $2 billion in low-cost financing for social and affordable housing.

2. Establishment of a National Housing Supply and Affordability Council with key stakeholders.

3. NHHA base funding increased by $550 million per year for homelessness services and indexed.

4. First Home Guarantee Scheme extended to 50,000 places a year.

5. Fund will build 30,000 social and affordable homes over 5 years. Help to Buy program available to 10,000 people a year.

6. $7.5 billion over forward estimates. $22.9 billion over the decade. Federal Housing Trust to build one million homes including 125,000 rental homes. $1.5 billion each year over 3 years - Capital Grants Fund.

7. 2017-18 call to increase CRA by 30%.

8. $25,000 - $100,000 to disconnect gas. $10,000 - $50,000 loans for household batteries. 

9. National Standard of Renters Rights. Tenancy service funding increased by $30 million per year.

Income support


Monitor poverty and inequity


Establish an independent advisory body on income support payments

Note 1

Increase the base rate of working age payments

Note 2
4Index income support payments biannually in line with wage growth and CPINote 3

Increase the earnings threshold of income support recipients


1. Payment rates benchmarked twice-annually - if indexed payment ever falls below the poverty line, the payment rate would be increased to above the Henderson Poverty Line.

2. Liveable income guarantee.

3. Deeming rates frozen for 2 years for 900,000 social security recipients.

Other feedback

The following feedback has been received from other parties and independents, noting there is insufficient detail to assess against all of our key asks:

  • The Australian Values Party states they agree with our policy positions.
  • The Indigenous Party of Australia states they support all our objectives.
  • Dr Helen Haines (Independent) states overall support noting that for some asks, support is in principle and requires review of specific details. This applies to ‘reinstate or replace the National Rental Affordability Scheme’, ‘develop national minimum standards for renters and landlords’, ‘increase the earnings threshold of income support recipient’, ‘redefine casual work and create pathways to permanency’ and ‘develop a national system of labour hire licencing’.

Thank you

Thanks goes to the following who have acknowledged our requests for feedback:

  • The Greens
  • Australian Labor Party
  • Pitman – Blair – Australian Values Party
  • Nott – Cowper – The Greens
  • O’Halloran – Forde – United Australia Party
  • Rubenstein – ACT – Independent
  • Carter – Boothby – The Greens
  • Stark – Goldstein – One Nation
  • Haines – Indi – Independent
  • Duroux – Page – Indigenous Party of Australia
  • Steele – Hughes - Independent 

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