The Society has joined the National Redress Scheme as a participating institution.
We encourage all survivors of child sexual abuse to contact the Scheme directly on 1800 737 377.
If you need immediate support, 24-hour telephone assistance is available through:
There is a range of confidential specialist, trauma-informed, culturally safe, survivor centred services. Free, confidential, practical and emotional support is available before, during and after people make, or consider making, an application to the Scheme. Survivors can be referred to free legal advice and financial counselling services, and other community-based support services as needed.
National Redress Support Services offer online and telephone support services through the following organisations; face-to-face services are available in some locations.
Confidential and independent legal support is available. You can call knowmore on 1800 605 762.
This publication A Piece of the Story demonstrates what can be achieved when a commitment to reconciliation becomes a reality.
A research project undertaken by the Australian Catholic Social Welfare Commission and the Australian Conference of Leaders of Religious Institutes.
National Directory of Records of Catholic Organisations Caring for Children Separated from Families.
Principles and procedures in responding to complaints of abuse against members, volunteers and staff of the St Vincent de Paul society in Australia.
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