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What do you want to know?

Established on 5 March 1854, the St Vincent de Paul Society is one of the oldest charities in Victoria.

With a very rich history from its origin in Paris 1833 to its beginnings in 1854 during Melbourne's Gold Rush to today; the Society continues to provide assistance and care to people who are marginalised and disadvantaged within our community.

Learn more about our history and what we do.


The St Vincent de Paul Society was founded in Paris 1833 by 20 year old university student, Frédéric Ozanam.

Born in French occupied Milan on 23 April 1813, Frédéric Ozanam was inspired by Saint Vincent de Paul’s legacy and decided to name the Society after the famous French saint of the poor. Frédéric Ozanam died on 8 September 1853 at the age of 40. He was beatified in Paris by Pope John Paul II on 22 August 1997.

The St Vincent de Paul Society was established in Paris 1833.

In Paris 1833, the people were experiencing tremendous political and social upheaval due to changes of government, the Industrial Revolution and unjust employment practices.

Frédéric Ozanam gathered some colleagues and began to respond in practical ways to the poverty and hardship he saw in the lives of people around him. They visited people in their homes and offered friendship and support. This practice, known today as “home visitation”, remains the core activity of the St Vincent de Paul Society.

Saint Vincent de Paul is the international patron of the Society.

Frédéric Ozanam was inspired by Saint Vincent de Paul’s legacy and decided to name the Society after the famous French saint of the poor. The Society follows his teachings and compassion for people in need

The St Vincent de Paul Society was founded in Australia on 5 March 1854 at St Francis’ Church, Lonsdale Street, Melbourne by Fr Gerald Ward.

Fr Gerald Archbold Ward was born in London 1806 and migrated to Australia on the 787-ton Digby on 7 September 1850 with Fr Patrick Dunne and 42 other passengers. Fr Ward died the 14 January 1858 at the age of 52.

In 1854, Fr Gerald Ward established the Society to assist people affected by the rapidly expanding immigrant population.

With the discovery of gold in 1851 and the rush to the goldfields of central Victoria, the population doubled and homeless, deserted children roamed the streets.

Fr Ward suggested that the main reason for the first Australian Conference was for “the protection of male and female orphans.”

In a submission to the government of the day, Fr Ward stated that the new Conference aimed at “the relief of the destitute, in a manner as much as possible permanently beneficial and the visitation of the poor families.”






St Francis' Conference, Melbourne

5 March 1854

Western Australia

Perth Conference

8 December 1865

New South Wales

St Patricks' Church Hill Conference

24 July 1881

South Australia

St Francis Xavier Conference

April 1884


St Brigid’s Red Hill Conference

18 February 1894


Church of the Apostles Launceston Conference

12 July 1899

Northern Territory

St Marys' Darwin Conference

27 September 1949



29 December 1895

In Victoria

Each year the St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria provides millions of dollars' worth of assistance through its core works of:


Food Insecurity


Cost of Living





Over the past 12 months the St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria have continued to provide care and compassion to the people we assist.

Material assistance includes everything from food, emergency accommodation, school fees and pharmacy costs to fuel, utility bills and much more.

Our members and volunteers also provide emotional support and their focus is on assisting people in a way that promotes dignity, empowerment and sustainable pathways to change.

Our impact this year, includes:

  • Assistance provided
  • Conferences & assistance centres

  • Number of members and volunteers

  • Home visits made by conference members

  • Hours of one-to-one education support

  • Welfare assistance calls received

  • Rise in number of students attending our education programs

  • Customers served by Vinnies Shops

  • Rise in meals served by soup vans in five years

  • Rough sleeper packs distributed

  • Meals provided by soup vans

  • No interest loans distributed

  • Request for food through our welfare assistance line

  • Nights of emergency accommodation provided by VincentCare

  • Material assistance provided by Vinnies Shops

The Society provides the following services:

  • Advocacy
  • Budget counselling
  • Care and support centres
  • Childcare services
  • Children's activities and holiday programs
  • Disaster recovery
  • Drug and alcohol rehabilitation services
  • Emergency accommodation
  • Employment support services
  • Home and hospital visitation
  • Homeless accommodation and support services
  • Mobile food services
  • Overseas support programs
  • Prison visitation
  • Refuge accommodation for women and children
  • Refugee, asylum seekers and migrant support services
  • School-base mentoring programs
  • Senior's living support 
  • Subsidised accommodation for tertiary students
  • Support programs for people with a mental illness
  • Supported employment for people with a physical or mental disability
  • Vinnies Shops
  • Volunteer programs
  • Youth drop-in centres
  • Youth programs

Getting help

The St Vincent de Paul Society’s members and volunteers reach out to the most vulnerable in our community through our Conferences, Special Works and Vinnies shops.

Members and volunteers assist people in need and do not discriminate against cultural, religious or political beliefs.

Anyone requiring assistance can contact the Society on:

Call us: 1800 305 330 or 13 18 12

Email: info@svdp-vic.org.au

The St Vincent de Paul Society’s members and volunteers reach out to the most vulnerable in our community through our Conferences, Special Works and Vinnies shops.

Members and volunteers assist people in need and do not discriminate against cultural, religious or political beliefs.

Although the Society has a primarily Catholic membership and is based on Catholic spiritual principles, we provide assistance to whoever seeks it, without judgement or prejudice.

The St Vincent de Paul Society is an international organisation operating in 153 countries and has over 800,000 members worldwide. The Society has a presence on every continent in the world with the exception of Antarctica perhaps.

The Society’s work is carried out by members and volunteers and is supported by a small number of professional staff.


General queries

The Society recognises that the level of involvement members and volunteers can commit to will vary depending on their personal circumstances such as; study, work, and family commitments. For this reason, the Society holds three forms of membership:

Conference members committed to living the Society mission and serving those in need and attending regular conference meetings.

Associate members committed to living the Society mission and serving those in need but do not attend conference meetings.

Volunteer members Support the mission of the Society through acts of voluntary service in any of the Society’s works (programs).

A Conference is a group of members who come together to fulfil the Mission of the Society in accordance with the Rule.

A Conference may be established within any community, such as a parish, town, suburb, school, university, workplace, ethnic or social group.

The Society is a lay Catholic organisation and does not receive any direct funding from the Catholic Church. The Society enjoys a close relationship with the Catholic Church and is assisted through parishes and schools.

Vinnies Shops resource local conference activities, providing clothing or furniture free of charge to struggling families or individuals identified through the home visitation process.

Goods donated through our 100+ shops assist this process but remaining stock is also sold to the public at reasonable prices thus generating revenue which helps fund the Society’s work within the community.

You can become involved with the St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria through:   

  • Mini Vinnies 
4 to 12 years (primary school age)
  • School/College Conferences     
12 to 18 years (secondary school age)
  • Vinnies Youth/Young Adult Conferences   
17 to 35 years
  • Conference Members 
18 years and up

The Society raises money from its members, through Parish poor boxes, proceeds from items sold at Vinnies Shops, donations from the public and some government funding.

You can donate to the Society by using the online donation facility provided on this website or by calling the 13 18 12. Donations of $2 and more to the Society are tax deductible.

Donations of clothing, furniture and household goods can also be made at your local Vinnies shop. This donation will go towards assisting people in your local area.

If I donate money does it actually go to those who need it?

When you donate to a specific Special Work we ensure that it goes directly to where you want it. The Society prides itself on ensuring all funds donated are used specifically for what they are intended.

The core work of the Society is carried out by members and volunteers and does not receive government funding ie home visitation and Vinnies shops. These services are funded through donations, fundraising activities and enterprises run by the Society.

However some of the St Vincent de Paul Society’s Special Works do receive government funding ie aged care facilities, housing and homeless services, supported employment for people with disabilities.

The Society does not receive any direct funding from the Catholic Church.

Yes. Our members and volunteers enjoy a wide range of activities.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, you can contact your local conference through the nearest Vinnies Shop, email or call us.


03 9895 5800

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