Meet Bill & John

Doing great, living independently

Grappling with homelessness for years, Bill and John are now doing great and living independently thanks to the support received.

When Bill, 64, and John, 59, met VincentCare’s Hume Community Hub team they had been grappling with homelessness for years: couch surfing, sleeping in cars or sleeping rough. John hasn’t had a permanent home since 2014. Both were battling significant health issues – physically and mentally.

All they wished for was to live in safe homes in or around Shepparton. For stability and connection, it was vitally important that they found somewhere local, so they could remain within the vicinity of medical services they knew and trusted, and other support networks.

However, the lack of affordable housing for the two men relying on modest jobseeker allowances and no rental history became insurmountable hurdles.

Their worlds changed when they were referred under the Victorian Government’s From Homelessness to a Home (H2H) program in mid-2021. Through a collaborative effort, the hub’s team was able to secure stable housing and provide specifically tailored support for the two men.

The result? Bill, now on an age pension, enjoys the safety of his local residence, which – much to his delight – has a garden. John has also rebuilt his life in Shepparton. He has undertaken further studies, completed his Diploma of Community Development and now works part-time.

“They are both doing great, living independently and competently managing the challenges of increased costs,” says Marie Murfet, Hume Community Hub Manager. “What else can you wish for?”

*Bill and John shared their story at the 2023 Vinnies CEO Sleepout.

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