Meet Damien

Building a new life

After looking for a meal at Ozanam House six years ago, Damien now has a new life and is giving back.

Looking for a meal was what made Damien* wander into Ozanam House several years ago, after having experienced homelessness and periods of incarceration while grappling with addiction for decades.

Little did he know that this visit would transform his life. It finally led him to find a much-needed structure and provided him with the right framework to break a vicious cycle, helping him to transition into a much better physical and mental state.

How? With the wrap-around support of VincentCare’s Ozanam House team, Damien was able to become a client volunteer doing breakfast shifts multiple times a week. From here, the team could also support him in finding employment in a café after more than 20 years of not having a tax-paying job.

“Volunteering with VincentCare gave me purpose and set me on a path to building a great life for myself. It has by far been one of the best, most rewarding things I’ve done in my life,” Damien says.

After six years in hospitality, he later also found a job as a peer support worker.

Damien is now once again volunteering at Ozanam House. This time as a community volunteer, giving back to the community.

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