Meet Linh & Mai

Empowering children's dreams for a better future

Linh and Mai's story is one of resilience, dreams and the transformative power of support provided by their local conference.

“St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria has been a lifeline for us.”

- Linh

Nestled in the heart of South-western Victoria, the story of Linh* and Mai* is a tale of resilience, dreams and the transformative power of support provided by the dedicated members and volunteers of St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria.

The importance of community and support

Linh and Mai’s family embarked on a journey seeking a new home and a promise of a brighter future. Linh, a dedicated mother in her mid-30s, alongside her husband and their daughter Mai, now 15, set foot in Australia in 2015. Their entrepreneurial spirit led them to establish a small milk bar, quickly becoming a cherished cornerstone in the community.

Yet, unforeseen struggles began to unfold amid the challenges of adapting to a new culture, managing a new business, and welcoming another little family member. Linh's husband, grappling with the adjustments, left her to shoulder the family business responsibilities and care for Mai and her little brother Minh who is now five years old.

A sacrifice risking a bright academic future

While Linh bravely tackled the challenges of running the milk bar, the burdens of managing the business in an unfamiliar environment, lacking family support and raising two children alone quickly took their toll.

Mai, a gifted student with a promising academic future who had previously skipped a grade, witnessed her mother's daily struggles. Driven by a profound sense of duty, Mai made the selfless decision to sacrifice her bright academic future, leave school and support her mother in the family business and raising her brother.

Bills piling up as the cost-of-living crisis worsens

Linh refused to allow Mai to leave school. However, when the booklist for the next school year arrived and new bills piled up, she realised they couldn’t afford next year’s school fees – although modest – nor the required uniform, books and laptop.

Being desperate and determined not to let her daughter's dreams of attending university slip away, Linh shared her worries with one of her regular customers when the financial strain became overwhelming. This customer contacted the local St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria volunteer group, known as a ‘conference’.

Meet Linh & Mai

Enabling a better life and opportunity for children

"When I initially learned about this family’s situation, I didn’t know how to respond,” shares a compassionate member of the local St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria.

“But little by little, our small group of Vincentians chipped away so that the dream of a migrant family in a new country could be fulfilled. A better life and opportunities for their children."

Knowing the transformative power of education, St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria intervened with a tailored solution. The conference provided Mai with the essential educational resources and ensured she had the proper uniform, books and laptop. This support enabled Mai to continue her education and alleviated a significant burden from Linh.

“St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria has been a lifeline for us.”

Linh, expressing her heartfelt gratitude, shared: "The St Vincent de Paul Society has been a lifeline for us. They kept my daughter in school and lifted a heavy weight off my shoulders.”

The local Vincentians who have strongly been involved in supporting Linh and Mai add: “Frederic Ozanam, the founder of St Vincent de Paul Society, himself a young university student, needed the support of his friends to come to the aid of families in their time of need. Our small group of Vincentians is responding to Linh and her family’s need for a better life and opportunities for her children.”

Education is a powerful tool for breaking the chains of poverty

In the spirit of empowering dreams, the St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria continues to make a profound impact, providing hope and opportunities for families like Linh and Mai’s.

Their journey showcases the transformative effect of community support and the belief that education is a powerful tool for breaking the chains of poverty. It’s a testament to the enduring power of compassion and the remarkable ability of a community to come together for the betterment of its members.

*Names and images changed for privacy reasons

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