Meet Pedi & Ameera

Finding Freedom: A story of hope

The journey of Pedi and Ameera from regional Victoria perfectly illustrates how the 240+ conferences transform lives daily.

“We believe that everyone deserves a fair chance to rebuild their lives. Pedi and Ameera’s story is one of immense courage, and we are committed to doing everything in our power to support them.”

- Conference President

This year’s National Refugee Week (16–22 June 2024) shines a spotlight on “Finding Freedom: Family”. The journey of Pedi and Ameera from regional Victoria perfectly embodies this theme, illustrating how the 240+ St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria conferences transform lives daily. The story of hope, resilience and dedication showcases the comprehensive support provided by members and volunteers, who go beyond providing just material assistance to offering emotional and educational support, empowering migrants, asylum seekers and refugees to rebuild their lives.

Pedi, a refugee, and his wife Ameera arrived in Australia seeking safety and a fresh start. They met in Victoria, fell in love, and now have two young children, aged two and four. Amid the often-overwhelming challenges faced by refugee families, Pedi is unable to work due to his visa status and is battling severe health issues, leading to repeated emergency department hospital visits. Their situation became increasingly dire.

Having sold their belongings to cover rent and necessities, Pedi and Ameera’s resources soon dwindled. Struggling to make ends meet, they turned to their local St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria conference for help. This connection became a crucial lifeline for the young family, who had no other support network in Australia.

Stepping in to help

For over 18 months, the conference members have provided ongoing support in the form of food, financial assistance, essential items and much-needed emotional support. Recognising the urgent need for Ameera to become self-sufficient, especially given Pedi’s inability to work, they focused on empowering her.

Sarah, a dedicated conference member and teacher, took a special interest in Ameera’s situation. She began tutoring Ameera in English, helping her gain confidence and better navigate her new community. Week after week, Sarah's dedication helped Ameera communicate effectively and improve her chances of finding employment.

A new opportunity

With her improved English skills and newfound confidence, Ameera began job hunting, supported by the conference members. Sarah accompanied her as she walked from business to business, distributing her CV. Their persistence paid off when a local business owner, moved by Ameera’s determination, offered her a casual position as a cleaner.

While the job does not provide a stable income, it represents a crucial step towards financial independence for the family. The conference continues to support Ameera as she settles into her new role, ensuring the family can cover their basic needs.

Advocating for change

Despite their progress, the family’s journey is far from over. The conference members have taken their advocacy to the next level, writing letters to local members of parliament to seek a more permanent and secure outcome for Pedi and his family. They aim to secure medical support for Pedi and work entitlements that reflect the family’s contributions and need for stability.

“We believe that everyone deserves a fair chance to rebuild their lives,” says the President of the local St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria conference. “Pedi and Ameera’s story is one of immense courage, and we are committed to doing everything in our power to support them.”

A community rallies together

Pedi and Ameera’s journey continues, but with the support from the St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria and the wider community, they hope to gradually build a stable and hopeful future for their children. Their story is a beacon of hope, urging everyone to help everyone in need and advocate for fair and compassionate treatment of all refugees.

The St Vincent de Paul Society’s involvement in their journey is part of its larger mission to support migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, driven by the commitment to achieving fairness, social justice and access to human rights for everyone.


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