Vinnies Footscray Fashion

Fashion fundraiser at Footscray

Vinnies Footscray celebrates its first anniversary with a fashion show like no other.
Fashion show at Footscray

Come in an enjoy

“Seeing how outfits are put together on the runway gives me new ideas. I think I'll start looking at shopping differently now.”

- Footscray local
Fashion show at Footscray

Have you ever thought a fashion show could double as a powerful fundraiser? At Vinnies Footscray, the answer was a resounding yes. Celebrating its first anniversary, the shop's volunteers and employees hosted a vibrant fashion show, transforming its aisle into a stylish runway, supporting this year's Vinnies CEO Sleepout on Thursday 20 June.

Turning the shopping aisle into a runway

Organised to raise as much money as possible for St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria's mission to support Victorians – adults and children – facing homelessness, the event was a labour of love for the dedicated volunteers and shop manager Jay Langford who spent four weeks in the lead-up planning every little detail.

Tirelessly, they secured generous donations from local businesses for raffle hampers, ranging from beautiful flowers that models carried to highlight their outfits to meal vouchers from local businesses to name a few. Balloons outside the store drew in curious passers-by, while inside, the models proudly displayed yellow Vinnies price tags on their outfits ranging from Burberry to Witchery and Cue, showcasing the value and quality of the pre-loved fashion they were wearing.

Fabulous fashion raising community spirit

The 18 diverse models of mixed ages, many of them taking their first steps on a runway, walked with confidence, grace and even stylish twirls to compete with those of professional models. They showed off an incredible array of styles from festive and innovative-modern to elegant-classic. Even a little toddler, carried by his mum, made an adorable appearance.

Fashion show at Footscray

Jay with her background in fashion, meticulously handpicked each outfit for the models.

"You wouldn't think the clothes are second-hand, would you?" remarked a surprised customer.

Another eager fashion show attendee asked keenly: "Are they bringing the clothes out into the shop after the show? I want to buy the black coat for myself and the fluffy winter jacket for my daughter."

Fashion enthusiasts coming a long way to watch

The event drew local shoppers and fashion enthusiasts from suburbs further away.

"I'm a bit of a fashion aficionado," said Farouk, who came all the way from Fitzroy. "When I heard there's a fashion show at Vinnies Footscray, I had to come. I am a regular at Vinnies Brunswick. But coming to Footscray is a fantastic way to see new styles and get inspired by another suburb's vibe. Footscray's multicultural and vibrant, and what I saw didn't disappoint," Farouk added with a classic white shirt, wide-legged blue pants and a colourful necklace in his hands that he was about to call his own.

 “It’s a good day when I come here”

Since opening a year ago, Vinnies Footscray has become a cherished part of the local community on bustling Barkly Street.

"I love it. I come every week to see what's new," shared Linh. "I can't imagine it not being here. Everyone always has a smile for me. It's a good day when I come here."

Fashion show at Footscray

Looking back over 12 months Vinnies in Footscray, Jay is enthusiastic: “It has been fantastic. We have a lot of support of the local community. The quality of donations is fantastic. There is a high demand for quality fashion in the area. In particular, for men’s clothing, practical pieces and fashionable items.

We need more of it, because we are growing from strength to strength. There is a large cohort of young people that are changing the way they shop – they are earth conscious and are looking for their fashion at Vinnies,” she has notice already planning more events with community participation.

Quality and value of second-hand clothing

The fashion show was more than a display of stylish outfits — it was a spirited event filled with applause, laughter and lots of admiring "Ohs" and "Ahs" from the audience as models showcased their ensembles to the tunes of the in-house DJs. "I'm inspired," said one Footscray local.

"Seeing how outfits are put together on the runway gives me new ideas. I think I'll start looking at shopping differently now." The fashion show highlighted the quality and value of second-hand clothing, with many customers leaving with new purchases, eager to bring home the stylish finds they had seen on the runway.

Making an impact – more than just fashion

Jay and Di Saward, the show's emcees, emphasised the event's importance in raising awareness for sustainable fashion, avoiding unnecessary land-fill, and raising funds for the Vinnies CEO Sleepout. They celebrated the Footscray community's contribution to a significant cause and expressed heartfelt thanks to everyone involved, from local businesses donating prizes to the hairdresser and makeup artists Zoe Price and, of course, the models, DJ Sweety and Oscar L, and photographers who brought the show to life.

Fashion show at Footscray

Part of a larger good works movement

The Footscray fashion show was just one of many creative events held across Vinnies shops in Victoria to raise money for the Vinnies CEO Sleepout. Each event brought its unique flavour and charm, demonstrating the creativity and commitment of Vinnies staff and volunteers statewide. 

Neil Harvey, General Manager Retail, praised the collective effort: "The dedication and creativity shown by our volunteers and employees in organising these events are truly remarkable. Their commitment to going the extra mile, as seen in Footscray's fabulous fashion show, plays a crucial role in our fundraising efforts. Their care, commitment, dedication and innovative spirit help us raise awareness for issues like sustainability, homelessness and support for the Vinnies CEO Sleepout, our major fundraising event, aiming to raise $1.5 million."

A Successful Fundraiser

By the night's end, the fashion show had raised a substantial amount of over $2,000 for the Vinnies CEO Sleepout - a testament to the power of community and the joy of shared experiences.

The impact is clear: Fashion brings people together, and in doing so, it supports a worthy cause, blending style with solidarity in a way that resonates deeply with everyone involved.

Photography: Malcom Crouch

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