Gift A Night off the Streets Tonight

Gift A Night off the Streets Tonight

11/06/2024 12:00 PM

Stand with us and Gift a Night Off the Streets to support people struggling on our streets this winter.

We urgently need to raise $94,744 to provide 1,822 nights of accommodation, warm beds, showers, basic hygiene essentials, clean clothes and hot meals to people experiencing homelessness this winter.

Together, we can show them they're not forgotten in these tough times.  

We need to support the most vulnerable members of our community to show them they’re not alone.

How you can help

YOU can ‘Gift A Night’ at Tom Fisher House to someone experiencing homelessness this winter.

By sponsoring a night, you can provide them with a warm bed, clean clothes and a hot meal. Because when you’re alone and living on the streets, it’s nice to know someone is looking out for you.

Donate today

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