

Have you got the gift of giving?

Make winter a little warmer for locals experiencing disadvantage by simply donating online or collecting essential items at your school, workplace or community collection point!

How to give

Collect donations at your school, workplace or community collection point for locals seeking assistance.

1. Sign up to get involved

    • Fill out this sign up form
    • Through this form you can specify what you’ll be collecting and when you’d like us to pick up your donations!

2. Spread the word!

3. Pickup/drop off

    • If your local conference will be picking up your donations, please contact them directly to organise this.
    • Otherwise, our team will contact you to organise a pickup or drop off of your donations.

4. Donations will go to those supported by our programs and services

    • Our specialist teams and conferences will distribute donations to those seeking assistance this winter. Your donations will make a huge difference to many families, youth, children and individuals in your local community.

The Packs

Everyday Hygiene Pack

Many health issues are easily preventable with basic hygiene. But without access to these everyday products, the risks of infection and disease are high.

Could you live without your toothbrush?

Sleeping Rough
Essentials Pack

During winter, staying warm is essential. But it’s hard to escape the cold without a place to call home. 

Could you live without your puffer jacket? 

Pantry Essentials Pack

For those living below the poverty line, it’s often a case of this or that. Food or rent? Food or petrol? Food is never the first choice, but how do you live without it?

Could you live without breakfast, lunch and dinner?


Get in touch with our team with any questions you may have.

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