March 2025
The Justice and Equity Centre, Australian Council of Social Service, Sydney Community Forum, Consumer Action Legal Centre, People with Disability Australia, Financial Counsellors Association of NSW, Ethnic Communities Council of NSW, Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association, St Vincent de Paul Society NSW, Queensland Council of Social Service and Australian Capital Territory Council of Social Service welcome the opportunity to respond to the AEMC’s consultation paper on Improving the ability to switch to a better offer: rule change proposal. We strongly support comprehensive reform to the National Energy Retail Rules (NERR) intended to reshape the retail market and materially improve outcomes for all consumers.
March 2025
The Justice and Equity Centre, Sydney Community Forum, Consumer Action Legal Centre, People with Disability Australia, Financial Counsellors Association of NSW, Ethnic Communities Council of NSW, Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association, St Vincent de Paul Society NSW, Queensland Council of Social Service and Australian Capital Territory Council of Social Service welcome the opportunity to respond to the AEMC’s consultation paper on Improving the application of concessions to bills: rule change proposal. We strongly support comprehensive reforms to the National Energy Retail Rules (NERR) intended to reshape the retail market and materially improve outcomes for all consumers.
February 2025
St Vincent de Paul Society NSW (the Society NSW) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Modern Slavery Committee’s Inquiry on the modern slavery risks faced by temporary migrant workers in rural and regional New South Wales (the Inquiry). All people residing in Australia should be treated with dignity, afforded the same human rights, and granted access to help when needed, especially if they find themselves in unpredictable and precarious situations.
February 2025
The St Vincent de Paul Society NSW welcomes the opportunity to provide comment on the NSW Government’s NSW Homelessness Strategy 2025-2035 (Strategy) and how best to achieve better outcomes for people at risk of and those experiencing homelessness.
January 2025
The Justice and Equity Centre coordinated a joint consumer and community advocate response to the AEMC’s National Energy Retail Amendment (Assisting Hardship Customers) Rule Change proposal. The submission was co-signed by ACOSS, Vinnies NSW, Sydney Community Forum and the Ethnic Communities Council of NSW. The proposed rule change seeks to find a solution to the problem that many customers in energy hardship program are not on the deemed best offer of their retailer, resulting in customers paying more than is necessary and often accumulating more debt than is necessary.
December 2024
We welcome the opportunity to make this pre-budget submission to the NSW Government outlining our suggested funding and policy priorities for the 2025-26 state budget and forward estimates. The solutions we present in this submission are measures that focus on existing initiatives the State Government has supported which seek to assist the most vulnerable in our community. We believe that these existing measures in tenancy support, homelessness services, alcohol-and-other-drugs services and cost of living support for energy costs, need to be reinforced through this budget to ensure that they are effective in the ways envisaged by the intent of the policy. If implemented these recommendations will make a swift and tangible difference to the health, well-being and quality of life of those doing it tough in NSW.
November 2024
The St Vincent de Paul Society NSW (the Society NSW) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the NSW Legislative Council Standing Committee on Social Issues’ Inquiry into the prevalence, causes and impacts of loneliness in New South Wales.
November 2024
The Society NSW welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Federal Government's Inquiry into the Health Impacts of Alcohol and Other Drugs in Australia. Meeting people who use alcohol and other drugs where they are at, without judgment, welcoming them in all their diversity, and ensuring they have access to holistic, integrated supports and services, gives them a far better chance of better health and wellbeing.
August 2024
The cost of living crisis has seen a growing number of people seeking emergency financial, food, clothing and housing assistance. This report, produced by the St Vincent de Paul Society NSW and The McKell Institute, considers the efficacy of one such program, administered by Vinnies NSW, and is informed by 900 respondents to a survey examining the efficacy of a key emergency relief program in New South Wales.
June 2024
The St Vincent de Paul Society NSW (the Society NSW) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Select Committee on the Residential Tenancies Amendment (Prohibiting No Grounds Evictions) Bill 2024. In striking the best result for the broader community, the Society NSW believes that ensuring everyone has access to safe and secure housing must be recognised as the highest priority in considering this issue.
March 2024
The McKell Institute and the St Vincent de Paul Society NSW are calling on the NSW Government to commit to a social housing package in the 2024/25 NSW Budget that reflects the extraordinary scale of the social housing challenge in the state.
March 2024
The Society’s submission to the NSW Government on short-and long-term rental accommodation recommends that the needs of people in housing stress or experiencing homelessness are the primary consideration underpinning reform. While welcoming the potential introduction of revenue measures, any such scheme must complement not supplement, the government’s core funding of essential social services and programs.
February 2024
The Society’s 2024-25 pre-budget submission to the NSW government outlines our 11 recommendations in response to the persistent cost of living crisis that disproportionately impacts people already doing it tough in our community. Broadly, these recommendations are to dramatically increase social housing supply with support, increase homelessness services and programs funding, extend food relief programs and make energy more affordable.
February 2024
The Society wishes to emphasise that it is critical that the development of a new NSW Consumer Energy Strategy prioritises people on low incomes and experiencing poverty and disadvantage.
February 2024
The Society’s submission to the NSW government’s proposed changes to create low and mid-rise housing calls for mandatory inclusive zoning requirements to grow the supply of affordable rental housing so that increased density delivers for more homes for people on low incomes and key workers.
January 2024
The Society appreciates the opportunity to participate in the Federal Government’s Financial and Wellbeing Capability Activity Consultation. The programs funded enable the Society to provide much needed support and in particular emergency relief, to people with low income or experiencing disadvantage. With our wide reach, front line experience and on the ground knowledge of what’s going on in a community, we are able to collaboratively provide not only services to those on the margins but companionship and a hand-up to enable people to rebuild lives.
December 2023
St Vincent de Paul Society NSW makes this submission to the Australian Department of Social Services’ issues paper on Not-For-Profit Sector Development Blueprint. We welcome the Commonwealth Government’s commitment to develop a ten-year plan to ensure a strong future for Australian charities. This submission is informed by the Society’s long history of providing support to people in NSW for over 140 years.
November 2023
The St Vincent de Paul Society NSW appreciates the opportunity to provide comments about the proposed reforms to the Energy Accounts Payments Assistance (EAPA) Scheme.
November 2023
St Vincent de Paul Society NSW commissioned the Social Policy Research Centre at UNSW Sydney to conduct a longitudinal study tracking the wellbeing of its SAHF social housing tenants from 2019-2023. The study found that Amélie Housing SAHF tenants’ had significantly higher wellbeing than Department of Communities and Justice/Aboriginal Housing Office tenants, and slightly higher wellbeing than other community housing tenants. The housing and support had contributed to greater stability and safety which had enabled tenants to secure work, engage in education, and better manage health conditions.
November 2023
The Society welcomes the Commonwealth Government’s commitment to reform operation of DSS grant funding to deliver a stronger, more diverse and independent community sector in Australia. We recommend that the contribution of the Community Sector is supported and strengthened through adequate, flexible funding to CSOs to deliver more equitable outcomes for people and communities. Our submission is informed by the Society’s decades of experience providing the Financial Crisis and Material Aid - Emergency Relief (ER) program, the Settlement Engagement and Transition Support (SETS) program and the Reconnect Youth program.
September 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic, and public policies introduced in response, resulted in an uneven distribution of social and economic impacts across our society. Some people already experiencing vulnerability prior to COVID-19 found it even harder to make ends meet, while others experienced hardship for the first time. This research partnership between the Australian Catholic University, Jesuit Refugee Service Australia, and the St Vincent de Paul Society NSW, sought to better understand the experience of people who sought emergency financial assistance from community service organisations during this time, as well as the experiences of the frontline workers who supported them.
August 2023
The St Vincent de Paul Society NSW recommends that the NSW Government provide for the following measures and policy initiatives in the 2023-24 budget: affordable, health and accessible homes; a fair go for renters; support for people experiencing homelessness; energy affordability; transport affordability and access; education and digital inclusion; and community sector grant indexation.
11 August 2023
The Society's submission to the NSW government consultation on improving the NSW rental system makes 32 recommendations to make renting fairer in NSW. This includes implementing reasonable grounds terminations based on the ACT model, making it easier to keep pets, better protecting tenants' personal information and setting reasonable limits on rent increases.
14 July 2023
The Strategy is an important opportunity to respond to the housing needs of people most impacted by the recent catastrophic events in the Northern Rivers and to build more resilient communities. Focusing on social and affordable housing outcomes to get people back into permanent homes will have a positive financial, health and wellbeing impact on shattered communities.
May 2023
The St Vincent de Paul Society NSW has provided settlement support to new arrivals in Coffs Harbour and surrounding North Coast region for more than 15 years. Our submission to the evaluation of the SETS program highlights the key enablers, barriers and factors that have impacted settlement outcomes, and a range of recommendations to inform future settlement program design. These include targeted, innovative and locally responsive, place-based programs and funding contracts which recognise the unique context, benefits and challenges of settlement provision in regional contexts.
January 2023
St Vincent de Paul Society NSW commissioned the Social Policy Research Centre at UNSW Sydney (the University of New South Wales) to conduct a longitudinal study tracking the wellbeing of its Social and Affordable Housing Fund (SAHF) social housing tenants from 2019-2023.
5 December 2022
As a provider of a range of domestic violence services, we work with many men, women, and mothers with children who have had to leave their homes under duress, and who have found themselves at risk of, or experiencing homelessness.
5 December 2022
The St Vincent de Paul Society believes that everyone in NSW has the right to have a home that feels like home, and this right includes being able to choose whether to keep a pet. In our work assisting some of the most vulnerable people in our society, we see how pets play a vital role supporting many people’s social, mental and physical wellbeing. We also see the impact when people with pets are left homeless or stay in unsafe relationships or inappropriate accommodation due to a lack of pet-friendly options.
24 November 2022
Housing vulnerability in regional NSW has exacerbated the impact of recent climate disasters, further compromising the supports and services available to people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Intervention in the housing market is needed to facilitate the recovery process, and safeguard regional Australians against homelessness and displacement as severe weather events become more common.
21 November 2022
Housing Justice: A Home For Everyone is the St Vincent de Paul Society NSW's 2023 Election Statement. With approximately 50,000 applicants - or the equivalent of more than 100,000 people currently on the waitlist for social housing across the state, our Election Statement calls on all parties to commit to policy action to ensure people can live securely in housing, support is available in times of hardship and underlying issues that contribute to housing stress are remedied.
27 October 2022
As a provider of housing and homelessness services, the St Vincent de Paul Society has a particular interest in ensuring that everyone, particularly the most vulnerable people in our community, have a safe, secure and affordable place to call home. As such, our submission focuses on the region shaper for housing supply, diversity and affordability. We make specific recommendations to strengthen the delivery of social and affordable housing for current and future generations of the Six Cities Region.
10 October 2022
The Inner City COVID-19 Vaccine hub at the St Vincent de Paul Society’s Ozanam Learning Centre has facilitated access to COVID-19 vaccines for thousands of people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. This Blueprint Model of Care has been developed to offer guidance to other agencies in the development and delivery of vaccination hubs for vulnerable groups.
29 August 2022
The St Vincent de Paul Society commends the Draft Plan for its emphasis on diverse and affordable housing. However, with thousands of families already unable to find a safe, secure and affordable place to call home, we believe the Draft Plan’s response to current and projected need for social and affordable housing is inadequate. Based on the evidence we present, we provide key recommendations that should be considered in the updated plan for the North Coast.
10 June 2022
This submission has been developed in consultation with over forty caseworkers who work in our services, as well as nurses, team leaders and managers across more than 10 St Vincent de Paul Society NSW services. During these consultations, our employees outlined the challenges faced by people over the age of 55 who have specific needs and added vulnerabilities due to their age, employability, financial circumstances, and experiences of social isolation.
20 May 2022
Following disasters, the St Vincent de Paul Society NSW plays an important and significant role responding to needs in the community, and because we are embedded in communities across the State, we also remain in place for the long-term, supporting individuals and communities through the recovery process. We hope the experience and evidence we present in this submission will help improve responses to future disasters, shape responses to ongoing need in the Northern Rivers, and ensure the rebuilding process results in more resilient and inclusive communities
15 May 2022
Based on the Society’s experience distributing disaster relief payments and other forms of support in the immediate aftermath of the 2022 flooding events, our submission focuses on the response to people’s social, financial and material needs in the days and weeks following a disaster. We also provide some initial comments on the recovery process and will address these issues more fully in our submission to the NSW Independent Flood Inquiry.
9 May 2022
This University of NSW Centre for Social Impact report, commissioned by the St Vincent de Paul Society NSW, shows that investment in 5,000 new social housing homes per year over the next ten years would reduce the social housing waiting list from 51,351 in 2021 to 13,724 by 2031. The report also finds that the current level of social housing investment is not enough to provide housing for the number of applicants on the NSW Housing Register. It estimates that by 2040, the NSW Housing Register would have decreased by an average of approximately 371 applicants per year over 20 years. The number of applicants on the social housing waiting list will not decrease below 45,000 until 2039.
11 February 2022
Over the last decade, the gap between the unemployment rate of people with and without disability has widened. As a nation, it is clear we are failing to uphold the right all people have to earn an income in work freely chosen. In response to the Federal Government’s review of the Disability Employment Support program, our submission focuses on the experience of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants, and the opportunity for disability employment services and disability enterprises to work more effectively together to provide participants with pathways to less segregated employment opportunities, including open employment.
28 September 2021
Overall, the experience of employees working in our domestic violence services is that while there have been significant improvements to the ways in which NSW Police respond to domestic and family violence and support victim-survivors, there are still several challenges and areas for improvement.
26 August 27
In June 2021 the NSW Government established a Regional Housing Taskforce in response to increasing pressures on the supply and affordability of housing in Regional NSW. In our submission to the Taskforce, the Society draws attention to the shortage of social housing in regional communities across NSW and once again calls on Government to invest in significantly more social housing.
17 August 2021
In this submission to the NSW Legislative Assembly Committee on Community Services, the Society argues that NSW must reduce and respond to homelessness and housing stress by committing to invest in significantly more social housing. We also recommend that the NSW Government complement this investment in social housing by introducing targets for the delivery of new affordable housing and by boosting funding for our Specialist Homelessness Services. In certain circumstances and with appropriate protections for tenants, NSW may also consider delivering meanwhile use housing.
18 June 2021
In advance of the June 2021 NSW Budget, the St Vincent de Paul Society NSW commissioned the Centre for Social Impact at the University of NSW to examine the NSW Government’s commitments to develop additional social housing.
The report demonstrates that, though there are more than 51,000 applicants for social housing at present, NSW Government commitments between 2016 and 2026 amount to just 9,386 additional dwellings. It also finds that expenditure on social housing per capita in NSW declined between 2017-18 and 2019-20 and that social housing as a proportion of the total housing stock has declined from 5% in 2012 to 4.7% in 2020.
10 April 2021
In support of a First Nations Voice to Parliament, the St Vincent de Paul Society NSW has responded to the Interim Voice Report to the Australian Government. Our submission supports the Uluru Statement from the Heart’s call for a Voice to Parliament enshrined in the Constitution.
The Constitution is an important cultural document that should reflect the identity, values, cultures and aspirations of the Australian people, a growing majority of whom describe the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australia as very important for our nation. Constitutional enshrinement of a Voice to Parliament would also offer a level of stability and certainty that cannot be guaranteed through legislation alone.
17 March 2021
Using data collected by members of the St Vincent de Paul Society NSW, this report shows that the introduction of the coronavirus supplement corresponded with a 75% drop in the number of people needing help. Calls for assistance have increased as the supplement has been cut. The report makes a case for income support payments that enable people to cover the basics, rather than forcing them to rely on charity as a matter of course.
2 February 2021
The St Vincent de Paul Society believes our legal system’s capacity to respond to the nature of abuse that occurs within intimate and family relationships should be strengthened, including via the introduction of a new criminal offence for coercive control. To ensure any legislative reform results in tangible change for victim-survivors, we make a number of recommendations to support the practical implementation of any new law, and identify where additional investment is needed in order to improve outcomes.
12 February 2021
The Society contends that everyone has the right to home. Unfortunately, right now, tens of thousands of people across NSW are experiencing homelessness or housing stress. The NSW Government has a pivotal role in shaping communities in which everyone can afford a place to live. Specifically, decisions about how the budget is allocated are critical to ensuring eligible households are able to access social housing. But there is not enough social housing across NSW. This year, our pre-Budget submission calls for the NSW Government to invest in significantly more of this critical social and economic infrastructure.
2 February 2021
The NSW Government plays a critical role in ensuring that all people—especially those experiencing poverty and disadvantage—have access to housing that affords them physical safety, protection from the elements, and security of tenure, at a cost that does not compromise access to other essentials like food and energy. To inform our contribution, we have spoken with frontline workers in our homelessness services across NSW. We hope that our input serves to support the NSW Government to reduce homelessness across our state.
17 September 2020
The St Vincent de Paul Society is deeply concerned about the unacceptably high level of First Nations people in custody. As the Uluru Statement from The Heart declares, First Nations people “are not an innately criminal people”. Rather, the disproportionate representation of First Nations people in the criminal justice system is a legacy of colonisation. It is reflective of intergenerational trauma, dispossession, and systemic racism.
23 July 2020
The NSW Government plays a critical role in ensuring that all people – especially those experiencing poverty and disadvantage – have access to housing that affords them physical safety, protection from the elements, and security of tenure, at a cost that does not compromise access to other essentials like food and energy. Our feedback on the Discussion Paper aims to promote the availability and affordability of housing for people experiencing poverty and disadvantage over the next 20 years.
6 December 2019
The St Vincent de Paul Society NSW has been actively involved in responding to the drought in NSW, independently raising over $2 million in assistance, contributing close to $3 million from the Society’s own reserves and distributing government relief programs including the Drought Community Support Initiative and the Energy Account Payment Assistance Scheme. In addition to measures that would stimulate regional and rural economies, we outline ways in which the NSW Government could better assist households struggling to pay energy bills and council rates.
21 November 2019
Our submission to the NSW Review of Federal Financial Relations recognises the role the tax system plays in the distribution of wealth, and in raising revenue to support community needs. It focuses on how two tax streams within the State Government’s remit can be amended to work more effectively for people on low incomes.
11 September 2019
The St Vincent de Paul Society’s response to the Digital Metering Public Consultation Paper cautions against allowing the moratorium on remote disconnections to expire in June 2020. This change would likely increase disconnection rates which has a negative emotional, physical and mental impact. Consumer protections are not yet adequate to the task of ensuring people are offered appropriate supports prior to being disconnected.
26 July 2019
The St Vincent de Paul Society NSW daily witnesses the impact of poor-quality housing on people’s lives. Our response to the proposed Residential Tenancies Regulation supports the general principle that social housing tenants should have access to the same rights and protections as tenants in the private market. We also identify opportunities to amend the draft regulations to help make rental properties more energy efficient.
March 2019
Our 2019 Election Statement outlines key steps our State Government could take, within its next term, to begin breaking down the barriers that prevent some people in our community from living well. NSW is the richest State in Australia. Our budget is in surplus and we have very little debt. It is simply a matter of priorities.
18 December 2018
The Society welcomes the inclusion of indicative targets for affordable housing in Central Coast Council’s Draft Strategy, and proposes fourteen recommendations to further support and strengthen the Strategy’s capacity to meet its stated goals.
12 September 2018
As the NSW Government considers updating the NSW Social Programs Code for Energy, we recommend that retailers be required to ensure all rebate customers are on the best available offer. When customers are not on the best deal they do not receive the full value of any Government rebates – instead, rebates act as subsidies for the retailer rather than the customer.
24 May 2018
This submission focuses on the prevalence of food insecurity in New South Wales, and the identification of ‘food deserts’ in communities across our State. With the Society providing close to $8 million in food support in 2017 alone, our experience speaks to the need for urgent action to improve access to affordable, fresh and nutritious food.
31 March 2017
While the Greater Sydney Commission’s Draft District Plans consider affordable housing targets in the range of 5-10%, our submission calls for more ambitious targets in district plans, supported by a high-level target across the Greater Sydney Region.
15 November 2016
A consortium of community and faith-based groups are calling on the NSW Government to mandate affordable housing quotas for rezoned developments to help address the State’s worsening housing crisis.
28 October 2016
Our response to the NSW Government’s Foundations for change- Homelessness in NSW discussion paper makes twenty targeted recommendations to prevent and reduce homelessness in NSW.
19 February 2015
While investment in increasing and improving the supply of social housing in NSW is an urgent priority, our submission also addresses reforms needed in the broader housing market to increase the supply of private rental housing that is affordable for lower-income households.
19 February 2015
Our submission features stories of people for whom the private rental market does not deliver. It calls for a formal plan to increase the supply of social housing, supported by capital investment, and for social housing to be defined as social infrastructure.
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