In NSW, St Vincent de Paul Society members and services provide a range of support for people experiencing disadvantage. Our members provide food, clothing, everyday essentials, assistance with bills, an ear to listen, and more. At the same time, our services provide crisis support, no interest loans, assistance with domestic and family violence, residential homelessness services, disability services, drug and alcohol services, and a range of other programs.
Vinnies Assist can be reached on 13 18 12 and aims to put people seeking assistance from the Society in contact with the right people and services. It is a central contact point with a no-wrong-door policy. It operates between 8:30am and 4:30pm on weekdays.
The St Vincent de Paul Society has members and community-focused Vinnies Support Centres right across NSW. They provide people in immediate crisis with food, clothing, other everyday essentials, help with bills, a friendly face to listen and importantly referrals as needed to other helpful services. Call Vinnies on 13 18 12 to find the closest assistance to you.
Vinnies Vans are outreach services that provide meals and snacks, blankets, toiletries, hot beverages, and, most importantly, companionship and referrals where needed to people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Our Vans operate across Greater Sydney and in targeted regional areas, ensuring we reach highly at-risk communities with additional wrap-around supports.
The St Vincent de Paul Society offers a range of services designed to assist people vulnerable to various kinds of addictions. These include counselling as well as access to professional service providers and long-term programs.
The Society provides a mix of both day programs and residential services.
Frederic House is an aged care facility specifically for men who have experienced long-term homelessness. Besides general health care, Frederic House specialises in supporting people with mental health illness and alcohol and / or other drug dependence using harm reduction strategies.
The St Vincent de Paul Society offers a range of Community Inclusion programs and services that focus on inclusion, access, and participation for those in our community who are experiencing social exclusion. Our programs and services range from community centres and hubs to outreach and community development projects and all primarily focus on connection and community strengthening through various forms of practice.
All are welcome. None of our inclusion services need a referral and do not require evidence of need.
St Vincent de Paul Society conferences operate in hundreds of communities throughout NSW. They provide people with food, clothing, and other everyday essentials as well as a friendly face to listen and referrals to other helpful services.
Our members perform the core work of the Society in offering a hand-up to people experiencing disadvantage.
We are here to support you to live the life you choose and help with skills development and employment goals. Your wellbeing and independence are what matters the most to us. We will work with you to provide the support you need.
We are an approved National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provider. This means our services and our practices are audited against the National Standards for Disability Services.
Vinnies supports people in communities across NSW and Australia every day, and we’re also on-hand to help during major emergencies such as the drought, bushfires and floods.
The St Vincent de Paul Society operates both residential and non-residential domestic and family violence services in NSW. Crisis accommodation and support is available throughout NSW.
The Matthew Talbot Hostel Primary Health Clinic is a nurse-led health service and accredited GP Practice for men who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness.
The St Vincent de Paul Society NSW operates homelessness services throughout NSW to assist people at-risk of or experiencing homelessness.
If you are a child, young person or vulnerable adult seeking help, you’ve come to the right place. Please contact us.
We offer safe, completely interest-free and charge-free loans of up to $2000 to individuals and families across NSW.
The Ozanam Learning Centre (OLC) is a Vinnies community centre in Woolloomooloo where you can connect, learn, participate in activities, and access support. Our work is aimed at providing opportunities for inclusion and support for those who need it.
Vinnies Support Centres are client-centred support and referral services operated by the St Vincent de Paul Society. They offer face-to-face support to those in the community who require financial, food or material assistance.
We provide advocacy, referrals and support in navigating the appropriate services. We’ll have a conversation with you and allow you the time and space to discuss your needs. Our aim is to give you what you need to make informed decisions and improve your circumstances.
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