Finding voice through music

Finding voice through music: “It means something just to be able to speak and be heard”

Community Inclusion
27/06/2023 10:00 AM

Gaby had always been independent and maintained a secure lifestyle. She pursued her studies at the University of Sydney, obtaining qualifications as a multidisciplinary teacher.

Later, she built a career as a research support staff member at the university, securing grants for academics and researchers. However, in 2011, her life took a turn.

"August 2011, I went to the Great Hall and got a certificate of service, 15 years plus service from the chancellor. And then in September I was made redundant.”

Initially taking a holiday and getting by as a before and after school care tutor, over time she found herself seeking assistance with utilities and food from a Sydney-based charity. It was during this period her case worker Omar encouraged her to get involved with music.

When Omar moved across to the Ozanam Learning Centre (OLC), a community inclusion service run by St Vincent de Paul Society NSW, Gaby came along and joined the OLC music program including its group band, the OLC Music Collective.

Being part of the band, where she has gone on to become the lead singer, provides Gaby with a shared purpose and a sense of connection with the other group members.

"Everyone's sort of different, but similar, everyone has different issues that they're dealing with, but everyone needs food and company.

“They need to socialise to make friends. That's what I look forward to. I have these people that I come to the music program every week and I like them, and they like me.”

In addition to her involvement in the OLC music program, she dedicates her time to volunteering at a Vinnies Shop where she incorporates her love for the likes for Fleetwood Mac, The Beatles, as the in-house DJ.

While music had only been a brief part of Gaby's childhood, the OLC music program reignited her passion for music and writing.  

Inspired by her personal story of searching for a significant other, Gaby wrote a slow ballad song titled "Ain't Found You Yet”.

"The lyrics are like… I found a horse, I found a cart, I found a baby at Kmart, but I ain't found you yet.

“I've been getting older, I've been looking back at decisions I've made and thinking, like sliding doors, what if. But you can't change the past, you can only live in the present and hope for the future”, she explains.

Gaby’s song will be featured on the upcoming album by the OLC Music Collective, “Alternate Voices”. She appreciates that the album provides an opportunity for the group's members to be heard.

“The album is focused on the talent that's here and there is a lot of talent.

“It mightn't be earth shattering or anything like that. But to them it means something just to be able to speak and be heard,” she concludes.

Gaby, along with the OLC Music Collective will be performing their latest album, Alternate Voices on 27 July at the Factory Theatre. The album features 12 original songs illuminating band members' personal stories and collective growth through the OLC music program.

Tickets for the show are on sale at: https://aucentury.sales.ticketsearch.com/sales/salesevent/110274

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