Left to pick up the pieces

Left to pick up the pieces

Flood Appeal
11/03/2022 09:00 AM

Lee is one of the many people Vinnies has been able to assist with the funds raised through the Vinnies NSW Flood Appeal.

You can help communities impacted by flooding in northern NSW today by donating at www.vinnies.org.au/nswfloodappeal or calling 13 18 12.

The Winsome Hotel is a haven for many men in Lismore in need of a hearty meal and a safe place to stay.

When flood waters started to rise on Sunday evening, Lee had just enough time to reach safety.

“We evacuated an hour before it was all too late for anyone to get out,” Lee recalls.

A self-described ‘local boy’ who lived through the floods of 1974, Lee has been left to pick up the few pieces that remain from this latest and most impactful disaster.

“Pretty much everything I own – gone.”

“I’m going to have to start all over.

Lismore Floods - Lee Mason

For as difficult as these latest floods have been for Lee, the realities of having to start from scratch are sadly nothing new.

“During the 2017 floods, I was living over in South Lismore in a rental place. I had been there for about 10 years and then last year when the real estate prices went berserk they sold the place and gave me a month to get out.

“I basically had to leave everything behind.”

Despite this latest setback, Lee is adamant in remaining in the place he has called home for almost all his life.

“I’ll never move – I’ve got family here, my friends are here.

As for the response taken by Vinnies and other agencies to this latest crisis, Lee is glowing in his praise of the work occurring on the ground.

“It’s fantastic how all the agencies are coordinating so quickly.

“They’re here to help and offer reassurance, I’m very humbled.”

With the funds raised through the Vinnies NSW Flood Appeal, we will be able to support locals, like Lee, to get back on their feet.

You can make a difference and help flood-affected communities rebuild by generously donating today.

Visit www.vinnies.org.au/nswfloodappeal or call 13 18 12 to help Vinnies make a difference.

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