Vinnies CEO Sleepout more critical than ever amid surge in demand

Vinnies CEO Sleepout more critical than ever amid surge in demand

Media Release
Vinnies CEO Sleepout

Business and community leaders will brave single digit temperatures on Thursday night as part of the annual Vinnies CEO Sleepout, raising awareness and vital funds in support of the St Vincent de Paul Society NSW’s homelessness services. 

With over 90,000 people across the state being assisted by the Society this year, including more than 7,000 supported directly by the Society’s homelessness and housing services, the funds raised at the event are more important than ever.  

“The issue of homelessness extends beyond one night and as the cost of living crisis forces more people into homelessness, our services are stretched well beyond capacity. The Vinnies CEO Sleepout has been running since 2006 and is the biggest fundraising event of the year for our homelessness services,” said Yolanda Saiz, St Vincent de Paul Society NSW CEO. 

The Society is hoping to raise $2.9 million at the event in NSW. The funds raised will provide a range of assistance to people at risk of or experiencing homelessness, including crisis accommodation, domestic and family violence refuges, GPs for people with complex needs, alcohol and other drug facilities, social housing, case management, mobile outreach Vinnies Vans and more. 

“We hope to give all our participants a small insight into one of the great challenges of our time, as well as raise much needed funds to help meet the growing unmet need in the community,” said Ms Saiz. 

Leading NSW fundraisers include Paul Nicolaou (Business Sydney), Mark Bruzzone (Abergeldie Complex Infrastructure), Tom Brady (Brefni, Grant Steward (Consep) and Peter Kelaher (Chubb Insurance)

The 2024 Vinnies CEO Sleepout will take place on Thursday 20 June across Australia with NSW events in Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong. Donations can be made online at www.ceosleepout.org.au – all donations over $2 are tax deductible. 

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