The Vinnies CEO Sleepout will be raising vital funds to support people experiencing and at risk of homelessness on the night of 22 June at Sydney’s White Bay Cruise Terminal.
“The Vinnies CEO Sleepout is our biggest fundraising event of the year and the money raised enables us to support people through our specialist services providing accommodation, food, healthcare, case management and individual support,” said Yolanda Saiz, St Vincent de Paul Society NSW CEO.
“We have seen a growing number of people reach out for assistance, many of these for the first time. The rising cost-of-living combined with the brutal housing and rental market means people are being pushed to the very margins of society with no way out,” said Ms Saiz.
“Funds raised from the event are critical in ensuring we can continue to provide care and support to people who turn to to us for help,” said Paul Burton, St Vincent de Paul Society NSW State Council President.
“The Society operates a number of homelessness, domestic and family violence and alcohol and drug services in many parts of the state to meet the growing demand,” said Mr Burton.
Chris Minns will be the first sitting NSW Premier to attend the Vinnies CEO Sleepout.
“Every year the Vinnies CEO Sleepout provides a glimpse into the unimaginable challenges that people living in homelessness face on a day-to-day basis.
“We face a significant challenge, but we have made delivering a comprehensive housing plan a core pillar of our agenda.
“I want to pay tribute to organisations like Vinnies who are at the pointy end of the housing crisis and thank them for their longstanding work advocating for and supporting people in dire need.”
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