Vinnies NSW backs Treasurer Perrottet’s calls for JobKeeper to be reinstated

Vinnies NSW backs Treasurer Perrottet’s calls for JobKeeper to be reinstated

Media Release
Income Support

The St Vincent de Paul Society NSW is calling for JobKeeper to be reinstated to help Australians during the extended COVID-19 lockdown.

“We know that JobKeeper and the JobSeeker COVID-19 supplement helped prevent a lot of people from falling through the cracks as a result of the pandemic last year.

“It’s unfortunate that we are living through very similar conditions now but we aren’t seeing the same kind of government economic stimulus that was so effective last time.

“Those same cracks are opening up beneath people again but without the safety net provided by JobKeeper, this time, many more people will be pushed over the edge.

“It’s similarly unfortunate that Federal Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, has repeatedly ruled out reintroducing JobKeeper.

“Australia needs JobKeeper again, the cost of not doing so will be felt most keenly by those already experiencing disadvantage but has potential to affect almost anyone,” St Vincent de Paul Society NSW CEO, Jack de Groot, said.

“The St Vincent de Paul Society NSW stands with the State Treasurer, Dominic Perrottet, in calling on the Federal Government to reinstate JobKeeper,” St Vincent de Paul Society President, Peter McNamara, said.

“Through the pandemic, our members have been telling us that they are seeing people who have never before needed help from a charity.

“We are seeing people lose their jobs or forced to work reduced hours and this is putting so many people under pressure.

“The NSW Treasurer himself acknowledges these mounting pressures when he calls for the return of JobKeeper, on top of the latest government stimulus he just announced.

“I don’t know what additional proof the Federal Government needs to bring back JobKeeper,” Mr McNamara said.

Media contact: Lachlan Jones | 0417 446 430

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