Vinnies NSW Disaster Appeal calls for donations to support communities impacted by Tropical Cyclone Alfred in Northern NSW

Vinnies NSW Disaster Appeal calls for donations to support communities in Northern NSW

Disaster Recovery
Disaster Appeal

St Vincent de Paul Society NSW has launched an appeal to help people across Northern NSW who have been impacted by Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred.

The Northern NSW area is already being impacted by the destructive weather conditions, with thousands of people without power and forced to evacuate. The Vinnies NSW Disaster Appeal is asking for generous donations to assist with the immediate response, as well as long-term recovery.  

“The people in our Northern NSW communities are dealing with damaging weather, including destructive winds and potential flooding. Sadly, many of these people are still recovering from flooding in previous years. The Society has always been on standby to help Australian communities in times like these,” said Yolanda Saiz, St Vincent de Paul Society NSW CEO.  

“Severe weather events cut off roads and make transportation of goods difficult, so the best way to help right now is to make a financial donation. This enables us to assist the immediate needs of people affected. This includes food, clothing, household goods and helping in the longer-term,” said Ms Saiz.  

St Vincent de Paul Society NSW has over 700 members across the North-East region of NSW who are ready to provide support to impacted communities. The Society also operates three Integrated Engagement Hubs across the region for people at risk of, or experiencing homelessness – Pete's Place (Coffs Harbour), Mary’s Place (Ballina) and Fred’s Place (Tweed Heads). The Hubs offer access to essential needs including meals, showers, laundry, and clothing.  

“Vinnies has a wide network of members, volunteers and services who live in these communities and are able to provide people in need with practical assistance as well as emotional support,” said Peter Houweling, St Vincent de Paul Society NSW State President. 

“The effects of weather events like this are far-reaching and continue even after the crisis is over. Our members and services work with people in the community over the long-term to ensure support is provided throughout the recovery process. If you are able to, please donate to the Vinnies NSW Disaster Appeal,” said Mr Houweling. 

Donations can be made by calling 13 18 12, at www.vinnies.org.au/nswdisasterappeal or at any Vinnies NSW Shop. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. 

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