Our Structure

Our Structure

Learn more about our structure as a national and international organisation.

Trish McMahon

Trish McMahon

State President

As the State President, Trish values working closely with fellow Vincentians, staff and volunteers and serving with humility, faith in God and ensuring the vision of Blessed Frederic Ozanam continues to flourish in this generation, and the next.

Trish's father was a Vincentian in Warwick and Toowoomba and his leadership inspired her. When Trish joined the Society she started with the St Stephen's Conference in 2013 and was one of just three Conference Members at the time.

During her time with the Society, She has held the positions of Conference President, BDCC Secretary, Treasurer and Diocesan President for Brisbane, but now holds the position of State President.

Upon Trish's election as State President she shared her vision for the Society:

  • To stay true to our Mission, faith tradition and lay Catholic identity. To adapt and innovate in the name of progress without losing sight of who we are and what our mission is
  • To develop and grow the collaboration between Members, Volunteers and Staff, including those in our Conferences and Programs working on the front lines of support in our communities. By working together, we can support each other to bring the very best outcomes for our Society and those we assist
  • To continue to encourage our youth and support the great work of our Vinnies Youth teams
  • To encourage growth in our Vincentian and volunteer recruitment efforts and expand our Society's community work
  • To continue our response for the homelessness and housing crisis in our State. The groundwork has begun, we just need to build on it!

State Council Members

  • Patricia McMahon, State President
  • John Forrest, Vice President
  • Dennis Innes, Vice President
  • Nick Herron, Vice President
  • Dan Carroll, State Treasurer
  • Susan Dann, State Secretary
  • Stephanie Veitch, State Youth Representative
  • Br Damien Price, Spiritual Adviser
  • John O’Gorman, Brisbane Diocesan Central Council President
  • Peter Duffy, Western Diocesan Central Council President 
  • Beryl Rowan, Northern Diocesan Central Council President
  • John Blake, South Coast Diocesan Central Council President
  • Shane Blakeley, Toowoomba Diocesan Central Council President
  • Brian Headford, Townsville Diocesan Central Council President 
  • Peter Dougherty, Rockhampton Diocesan Central Council President
  • Veronica Innes, Far North QLD Diocesan Central Council President 
Vinnies State Council photo 2024

Kevin Mercer

Kevin Mercer

Chief Executive Officer

As CEO of Vinnies Queensland, Kevin Mercer is driven to support the Society to serve the people we help with dignity and compassion and to advocate for social justice, equity, fairness and the common good.

Kevin Mercer has over 30 years of extensive business experiences across many sectors, including more than 10 years in the aged care and community care sector.

He is a firm believer that all life has meaning and purpose, regardless of the difficult circumstances faced by many Queenslanders.

Through his direction, he has helped grow the Society to rise to meet the many challenges faced by Queenslanders in need in, as rising costs of housing and living continue to place pressure on individuals and families throughout the state.

He believes in high energy, innovative, strategic and values-driven leadership, together with the passion to make a positive difference in our communities.

Kevin has extensive experience in stakeholder management, business development and logistics in many sectors, including retail, manufacturing, consulting and aged care, community care, NDIS and retirement living.

He also has a lengthy track record in managing change, driving growth, business transformation and passionate leadership, thriving in organisations with a strong committed purpose and governed by a forward-thinking professional Board or owners.

Kevin remains committed to guide the future of our Society, and support the Members, Staff and Volunteers of Vinnies Queensland to fulfill our mission of serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice, hope and joy.

How the St Vincent de Paul Society is structured  

We are part of an international organisation, led by thousands of amazing volunteers, members, and staff, to serve those in need in our communities.  

In Australia, the St Vincent de Paul Society works under a federated model. Every State and Territory has a central office or headquarters that manages the day-to-day operations and needs of the people in that state.  

While we operate as separate entities, we work closely together every day to advocate for, and help, disadvantaged communities right across the country. By focusing on our own backyard in Queensland, we can quickly adapt to the needs of our communities – be it through responding to natural disasters or a personal/family crisis requiring assistance with housing, clothing, and food.  


The St Vincent de Paul Society Queensland structure is made up of eight Diocese. 

Within each Diocese we have Regional Councils, Conferences, Youth Programs, Special Works, Committees, and Vinnies stores. Each Diocese brings together and leads their members in a collective mission - to help people in their local district. They provide governance support and are there to help meet the individual needs of their region, which may be vastly different to the next.  

State Council

The St Vincent de Paul Society Queensland State Council operates as the board for the state. The State Council is ultimately responsible for the overall governance of the Society, its subsidiaries and all its Councils and Conferences.

The President of State Council is the Society's representative on the National Council of St Vincent de Paul Society in Australia.

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