
Safeguarding Policy

The Society of St Vincent de Paul Queensland (the Society) is fully committed to providing safe spaces and ensuring safe relationships for the children and adults to whom we serve.  

The Safeguarding Policy of the Society is informed by National Child Safe Standards Child Safe Standards | Queensland Family and Child Commission and National Catholic Safeguarding Standards National Catholic Safeguarding Standards - Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd together with best practice guidelines and the Mission of the Society.  

The Society Safeguarding Office promotes the safe care of children and adults-at-risk involved in Society activities by dealing with complaints and concerns about Safeguarding matters, reporting to the civil authorities, and advising the Society on any protective measures necessary to protect children and adults-at-risk from abuse.   

The office is coordinated by our Safeguarding Manager and may be contacted by emailing safeguarding@svdpqld.org.au. This email address is monitored on weekdays until 4:30pm.

For concerns about the safety of anyone in an emergency dial ‘000’.  

Safeguarding Policy & Statement

Other Contacts

In an emergency, call...

Police – Queensland Police Service (QPS) Police Link

Child Protection | QPS

Aged & Disability Advocates

Statutory Child Protection Service

Queensland Government Department of Families, Seniors, Disability and Child Safety Freecall

Queensland Elder Abuse Prevention Unit


Office of the Public Guardian


Other Support Organisations

Kids Helpline

24-hour phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.


Free online and phone counselling services to help young people mental health, physical health (including sexual health), alcohol and other drugs services.


24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.

Bravehearts Inc

Bravehearts is a non-for-profit organisation that provides advice and support to those affected by sexual assault.

Youth Beyond Blue

Provides information and support for children and young people about mental health and issues associated with depression, suicide, anxiety disorders and other related mental health conditions.

Beyond Blue

Provides information and support for mental health and issues associated with depression, suicide, anxiety disorders and other related mental health conditions.

Living Well

Provides telephone and face-to-face counselling services, information and support to men who have experiences sexual abuse or sexual assault, as well as their partners and loved ones.


13YARN is a confidential Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander crisis support line available 24/7 across the country. It is run by Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people who provide a culturally safe space to help those who are feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty coping.

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