Wills & Bequests

Make your legacy live on

Thank you for considering the St Vincent de Paul Society in your will.

A bequest to the Society makes lasting positive change. It is a powerful reflection of the values and principles you treasure and creates a legacy of love and care for people who most need assistance and it will continue your life’s aims beyond your own lifetime.

For more information:    CALL     EMAIL

One of the most important sources of funding for the St Vincent de Paul Society comes from people that have included a gift in their Will. Leaving a gift in your Will is a simple, yet powerful way to help those in need after you are gone. 

We believe that by offering a caring hand up and not a hand out to the disadvantaged and homeless people of Victoria, we can restore their hope and encourage them to take control of their destiny.

For more than 168 years, the St Vincent de Paul Society in Australia has been assisting people experiencing poverty and disadvantage.

In Victoria, the St Vincent de Paul Society continues to serve those in need regardless of creed, ethnic or social background, health, gender or political opinions.

Much of the good work we do is made possible by the generous people who remember us in their Will.  

  • Your lasting legacy. Leaving a gift in your Will can help us house, feed, clothe and assist people struggling or facing crisis.
  • Your gift will restore hope. Every gift, no matter the size, makes a difference. You don’t need to be wealthy to leave a gift, a minimal percentage of your estate can have a lasting impact.
  • Your gift will go to those in need. Our volunteer member base of 10,000+ people keeps administration costs low. This means your funds can be directed where they are needed most.
  • We are here to help. For further information or to discuss this very personal decision further.

Contact our Gift in Wills Manager at the St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria to answer any question or let us know if you have made this very special gift. 

Phone: 03 9895 5917
Email: bequest@svdp-vic.org.au
Mail:   Locked Bag 4800, Box Hill Vic 3128

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