
St Nicholas’ Young Carers Program

The St Nicholas’ Young Carers Program (Nick's) aims to provide a place of belonging for young people (aged 9-17 years) who have a caring role in their family, offering a place to connect with others who share relatable life experiences and engage with positive adult role models.

A group of children and young people having fun in Zorb balls (giant plastic balls which people can stand in).

How we help

We offer respite activities and holiday programs, allowing young people the opportunity to build social confidence and life-long resilience, explore new experiences in a “safe-to-fail” environment and, most importantly, to have fun!

Who do we support?

  • Young carers aged 9-14 years
  • Nick's Teens young carers aged 15-17 years

Nick’s events

  • Weekend activities once a month (approximately 3 hours)
  • Holiday Camps (4 days 3 nights) in the July and January school holidays
  • Nick's Teens 2 overnight camps a year (May and November)
St Nick's Young Carers Program

How to get involved with Nick's

  1. Contact Vinnies Youth Team on youth@vinnies-cg.org.au
  2. Complete the referral form
  3. You will be contacted by a Youth Liaison Officer
  4. You will receive information about upcoming events

Contact our Youth Team

Referral form 

Sign up to volunteer with Nick's

Activities and camps are run by a group of dedicated young adults supported by the Vinnies Youth Team.

Act now

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