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A mother and daughter in a medical surgery, the Mum is hugging her daughter and they are facing the back of a man in a white coat,
People Seeking Asylum in Australia

People Seeking Asylum in Australia

Social Justice
31/12/2024 12:00 PM

The Society calls for:

  • a safety net for asylum seekers and a fairer process for all affected by the unjust fast track process.
  • resettlement of all people still subject to offshore processing and people held in PNG and Nauru immediately moved to Australia while they await resettlement.
  • legislation to make immigration detention a last resort, limited to a maximum of 90 days, and improvements to the living conditions of those that must be detained for security reasons.
  • increases to the annual humanitarian intake to at least 27,000 places by 2027-28, increases to the community support program to an additional 10,000 places, acceptance of refugees in Southeast Asian countries within these increased intakes and a reformed family reunion process.
  • a Royal Commission into immigration detention both offshore and onshore.

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