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We're here to help

The St Vincent de Paul Society's members and volunteers reach out to the most vulnerable in our community. Our members and volunteers assist people in need with a host of programs.

For direct assistance,
please give us a call

Services in Tasmania

Vinnies and Loui's Vans

Our Vinnies Van and Loui's Van services provide Tasmanians in need with nutritious meals, information and referrals to community services, and friendly conversation.

Vinnies Hubs

Our Community Hubs are safe spaces that offer support and advice to Tasmanians in need. A few of our community services are also held in the Hubs.

Dining with friends

Dining with Friends welcomes all community members who are lonely, isolated, or would just like to share a meal with others to a free community meal.

Youth & Young Adults

We offer young people a number of opportunities to serve people in the local community, including Kids Days Out, Buddy Camps, tutoring and mentoring, and more.


We offer affordable and/or emergency accommodation through our Special Works, Marillac House and Bethlehem House.

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