Catholic Social Teaching Principles

Catholic Social Teachings

A sketch of the profile of Frederic Ozanam in a high collar and cravate.

Catholic Social Teaching Principles

Calls us to:

  • Actively accompany people who have been pushed to the margins by giving them a hand up to live their unique lives to the full

  • Challenge individualism and consumerism

  • Advocate for change

  • Keep this principle at the centre of our work

Calls us to:

  • Consider that the good of all is dependent on the good of each one

  • Continue to work with people in local communities through our conference structure in order to build

    a stronger society

Calls us to:

  • Promote and develop local conferences and channel feedback from members

  • Focus our advocacy in disadvantaged communities or where voices have been silenced

  • Understand that the Conference is closest to the person in need and is best placed to make the

    decision about how to help

  • Observe that this principle is at work in the ‘council’ structure from regional to national councils

Calls us to:

  • Accompany people living with poverty across national, racial, religious and ideological boundaries

  • Identify and address social and economic factors that cause marginalisation, or continue to

    marginalise people

  • Restore the dignity of people living with poverty and empower them to participate in society through

    cultural, economic and political processes

Calls us to:

  • Keep people living with poverty central to our thinking

  • Guard against individualism

  • Engage in witness, accompaniment, advocacy and action

Calls us to:

  • Cross borders, to build friendships, to value difference, to identify deeper communion

  • Celebrate, rather than possess; nurture, rather than exploit

  • Centre on others, rather than on our self

  • Be accountable because of the urgency of the challenge

Read Catholic Social Teachings

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