
Secure work

Australian workers deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. They must be able to pursue their rights and have just working conditions.

Everyone deserves a fair, living wage, one that provides job choice and security.

Real minimum wages grew by 2.3 per cent between 2019 to 2024 but despite recovering some lost ground, they are still 4.8 per cent lower than they were pre-pandemic.

Wages in Australia have grown less than in most OECD countries and below the median OECD average of 8.3 per cent.

Read a summary of our policy position on secure work

What we do

We help by providing emergency relief, accommodation options and support to help get people back on their feet. This builds their capacity to undertake further skills development and employment options.


We advocate for improved job security.

This is because Australia continues to have one of the highest rates of insecure employment in the OECD.

There are currently 2.7 million employees who are not entitled to paid leave - or 22 per cent of all employees - and the majority are women. The statistics are worse for those who work part-time in their main job, with half not entitled to paid leave (1.9 million).

Almost one quarter of all employees have earnings that vary from one period to the next, and one-fifth do not work the same hours each week or have a guaranteed minimum number of hours each week. 

Insecure work means low pay, inferior rights, irregular hours, poor work/life balance, limited job tenure, limited access to leave, skills development and career pathways, and increased risk of injury, harassment, and wage theft.

Around 60 per cent of JobSeeker recipients (over 500,000 Australians) have been on the payment for more than one year, with the average duration on the payment being 176 weeks. Research has found that the number of people with barriers to work has barely changed in nine years, despite three governments, three direct inquiries into the employment services system, one set of reforms and a fluctuating job market. More must be done to improve the Employment Services Sector, build the skills of those looking for work and better match their skills set with job opportunities.

We support greater flexibility for job seekers and a system which better supports their needs.

We call for:

We call for

Continued commitment

by the Australian Government to address wage suppression, undervalued jobs and job insecurity

More Australia Government action

in response to recommendations made by the Select Committee's Final Report on Workforce Australia Employment Services (November 2023)

A more detailed strategy

to assist the underemployed and the long-term unemployed

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