In the interests of the nation, Australia’s next government should address the injustices and lack of compassion evident in key policy areas affecting people struggling with living costs, the lack of affordable housing, and attaining the rights and respect to which they are entitled in a civil society.
Following the announcement of the Federal Election, the National President of St Vincent de Paul Society, Mark Gaetani, said the qualities of justice and compassion must underpin all policy decisions of the incoming government.
The Society's Justice & Compassion policies can be viewed here
This document has been forwarded to all current Federal Members as well as candidates in a number of seats.
‘It is vital for the nation’s social harmony, as well as basic human rights, that no one should fall through the economic safety net and have to live in poverty. Yet this continues to happen, with many families and individuals experiencing great hardship.
‘A federal election presents a new opportunity to address the inequalities that have prevailed for far too long,’ Mr Gaetani said.
‘The next government and those in positions of influence should push for reforms to ensure those in need are assisted to live in dignity while they rebuild their lives. Key steps requiring urgent action include increasing the base rate of working age payments to lift recipients out of poverty.
'The new government must continue to address the housing security crises across the country, starting with recognising housing as a human right and legislating the National Housing and Homelessness Plan,’ Mr Gaetani added.
‘It should double the Housing Australia Future Fund, reform taxes to incentivise the use of long-term vacant residential properties and land, and review and increase the funding of Commonwealth Rent Assistance.’
Mr Gaetani said the Society wants the next government to better support asylum seekers and refugees by funding an adequate safety net and implementing a fairer process for all affected by the unjust fast track process.
‘These reforms are long overdue and are well understood by those who have served in government. The weeks and months ahead will provide an ideal opportunity to take the required steps to make them a reality. For the sake of the many Australians needing this support, we urge our new leaders to do the right thing and hear our call for action.’
The St Vincent de Paul Society in Australia consists of 45,000 members and volunteers who operate on the ground through over 1,000 groups located in local communities across the country.
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