Formal employment is vital for social justice

Formal employment is vital for social justice

Media Release
Social Justice

The National Council of the St Vincent de Paul Society has endorsed the theme of this year’s UN

National Council President, Claire Victory said, ‘Secure work is vital for the health and wellbeing of all Australians, enabling them to access proper housing, buy food and clothing, pursue education and training and all the life opportunities that a democratic society should offer.

‘However, Australia has one of the highest rates of precarious employment in the OECD, with 60% of all new jobs created since May 2020 being designated casual. This is the fastest growth of casual jobs in our history.’

The focus of this year’s World Day of Social Justice on 20 February 2022 is the formalisation of employment as a prerequisite for reducing poverty and inequality.

Ms Victory said, ‘Vinnies fully supports the view of the UN’s Department of Economic and Social Affairs (Social Inclusion) that secure employment is “a necessary condition to reduce poverty and inequalities, advance decent work, increase productivity and sustainability of enterprises and expand government’s scope of action, notably in times of crisis”.

‘Yet early last year this government made it even easier for employers to casualise permanent work. This is a direct contributor to Australia’s low wage growth crisis. Workers are now earning less, compared to profits, than they have in decades.

‘Moreover, insecure work is unsafe, with high rates of injury, illness, and sexual harassment prevalent in affected industries. We’re even seeing modern workplace slavery.

‘Economic recovery from COVID-19 is fragile and uneven, with key sectors of the economy and workers in insecure jobs continuing to face job losses. Insecure work with inadequate hours and training has been a significant contributor to the spread of COVID in aged care across Australia.’

Ms Victory added, ‘Job security, workers’ pay and conditions and wage stagnation must be addressed.

‘The Society will communicate our full election policy platform on key topics, including job security, to all Federal MPs, advisers and party officials, and candidates once the date for the election is announced.

‘Meanwhile, this UN-endorsed World Day of Social Justice is a timely opportunity to recognise that ‘a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work’ should be a pillar of our society. All Australians must be properly compensated for their efforts and feel secure in their jobs. This and any future government must implement proper rules and ensure all employers comply.’

Media contact: 0475 068 209 / media@svdp.org.au

The St Vincent de Paul Society in Australia consists of 60,000 members who operate on the ground through over 1,000 groups located in local communities across the country. Inclusion and equity are at the core of the SVDP National Council’s Catholic values.

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