Reconciliation Action Plan

Reconciliation Action Plan 

In November 2022, we received confirmation that our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) had been officially accredited by Reconciliation Australia resulting in Amélie Housing becoming an official member of the RAP network.

This means that Amélie Housing joins a network of more than 2,200 corporate, government, and not-for-profit organisations that have made a formal commitment to reconciliation through the RAP program.

In our Reconciliation Action Plan, we have outlined the steps we are taking to build a workplace and target work practices that welcome, support and empower First Nations Peoples who use our service.

In developing the RAP, we formally acknowledge our regret over past practices and policies that have impacted the social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of First Nations peoples, their homes and communities. We recognise the unique strengths of First Nations Peoples, their cultures, and their resilience in overcoming the traumas of the past. We also recognise the unique contributions of First Nations Peoples in creating a more equal, inclusive and united Australia.

As we continue to build positive and enduring relationships with First Nations Peoples, we are committed to using our influence to advocate for stronger recognition and respect for culture, community and equal opportunity.

A big thank you to all those that contributed to the development of our RAP – including our RAP Committee and our First Nation partners and peers.

Our Reconciliation Action Plan will support us to achieve critical outcomes for our First Nations customers, staff and communities.

Artwork by Dale Pracy,  a proud Aboriginal woman from the Wiradjuri nation/people.

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