Quietly offering a hand up to Tasmanians in need every day.

Quietly offering a hand up to Tasmanians in need every day.

Media Release
Quietly offering a hand up to Tasmanians in need every day.

If you watch the evening news, it is easy to be demoralised by negative headlines. It is just as easy to forget that our community is full of wonderful people who do amazing, selfless things every day. At the St Vincent de Paul Society, we are fortunate to meet and work with many of these people. They are the 1,000 plus members and volunteers who dedicate their time to serving the less fortunate in local communities throughout Tasmania.

There is another group of dedicated individuals and businesses, many of whom we never have an opportunity to meet, who are equally dedicated to the good works of the St Vincent de Paul Society. These people are the generous individuals and corporate supporters who donate vital funds and their time to the numerous activities undertaken by the Society in every corner of Tasmania.

As an organisation dedicated to undertaking good works for the benefit of others, the St Vincent de Paul Society is eternally grateful to every donor, member, and volunteer for such generosity of spirit. The sometimes life-changing donations help hundreds of individuals and families in need every single day. Buoyed by the support and donations from so many Tasmanian entities and individuals, the dedication of the Society’s members and volunteers brings hope and renewed purpose to often broken lives.

There is a passage in the Bible that suggests that the poor will always be with us. Without context, many people read this verse to means that attempting to address the issue of poverty is beyond our capabilities to fix as a community. Some people read it as if we are being given permission, or an excuse, to not help the poor, the disenfranchised, and the underprivileged wherever and whenever we are able. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The quote, read in full in Deuteronomy 15:7-11, urges every one of us to consider…

…“If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be…For the poor you will always have with you in the land. Therefore, I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.”

This is a call to action to everyone in our communities to help people in need in any way we can. A donation of time or money – no matter how little or much that might be – makes a significant difference to Vinnies and the ability to assist less fortunate. Literally, every little bit helps.

Funded by the generosity of our many individual and corporate donors, this is the calling that Vinnies’ wonderful volunteers and members set out to achieve every day. They open wide their hands to their brothers, sisters, and to the needy and  poor, in our communities. Similarly, like many of our donors, they quietly undertake their tasks in the same way as most of us commit to our vocations; without fanfare and by rarely seeking the lime-light.

On cold nights, on Vinnies’ Vans and Loui’s Vans, volunteers deliver hot beverages, nutritious food, and aid to people sleeping rough, and families who need food for their children’s school lunch the next day. In Vinnies stores across Tasmania, volunteers sort donations, stock shelves, and serve customers to raise vital funds to continue Vinnies good works. Every month, Vinnies volunteers, through the Dining with Friends programs, invite the lonely, the marginalised, and the community to come together to enjoy a meal together in the spirit of friendship and community.

Our members undertake home visits to people who live alone, delivering food hampers to those who cannot afford to put a proper meal on the table, assisting and advising people who find themselves in financial difficulty, finding alternative accommodation for victims of domestic violence, or offering a smile and support to those who think the community has turned their back on them.

The list of activities undertaken everyday by Vinnies volunteers and members is long; and the workload never ends. Every single day, somewhere in Tasmania, Vinnies volunteers open their hearts and hand to the less fortunate to lend them sufficient for their needs, whatever it may be, to give them a hand up, not a handout.

All of this charitable activity is made possible by people and organisations that support and donate to the Society in one form or another.

It is for this reason, the St Vincent de Paul Society is so grateful for the financial support from every donor, which makes it possible for our volunteers and member to continue to help those in need in our Tasmanian communities.

MEDIA NOTES: The St Vincent de Paul Society was founded in Paris, France in 1833 by a 20-year old Italian student, Frederic Ozanam. Today, the Society operates in 153 countries and has over 800,000 members. Australia has over 60,000 members, dedicated to assisting people in need and combating social injustice. The Society started in Tasmania in 1899 when founders established a Conference in Launceston. From humble beginnings, the Society has grown to 25 Conferences within three Regional Councils across Tasmania. Each Conference undertake a variety of good works, the most recognised being the traditional Vincentian home visits and the annual CEO Sleep-out to draw attention to homelessness.

Media contact, Mark Wells: +61 414 015 966 (24-hours)
© St Vincent de Paul Society and MWPA.

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