
Project 1.6 - Belong, Believe, Become

Pillar outcome: A new Member journey (including into leadership)


The Vincentian story is the story of the Ministry of Jesus, which is underpinned by radical inclusivity, accompaniment, & restoration.

We do this by applying the principles of dignity of the human person; preferential option for the poor and vulnerable; solidarity with people; and subsidiarity through listening.

The contemporary vision to respond to Jesus’ invitation to ‘come follow me’ challenges us to foster a sense of belonging in our common journey. It is this sense of feeling ‘at home’ that enriches our spiritual growth and fosters the good works we do.

Identified task(s)

  • Structure is helpful but allow Conferences flexibility.
    • What does prayer look like?
    • Provide options and flexibility for contemporary practices.
    • Explain our language.
  • Provide resources to Conference presidents, to enable them to be more welcoming and hospitable
  • Share prayers to the group. Examen, gratitude, other faith traditions – did we see God there?
  • Encourage checking with each other, to build relationship and community.
  • Future support in the ‘become’ space.

Success indicator(s)

  • Inclusion – feel welcome now, through respectful dialogue about all Member’s contributions, values alignment and points of similarity.
  • Authentic welcome and hospitality – the way we treat each other and our Companions.
  • Feel at home, with hospitality – you belong NOW. Am I seen, am I welcomed, am I known, am l needed?
  • What is our expectation re Catholic faith? Identify our diverse nature. Catholic Social Teachings.

Related sub-projects

1.2 Our compelling, shared story in 2023

1.3 The new Vincentian experience

2.3 Support systems for new Conferences

2.4 Sharing information and resources between Conferences

2.5 Whole-of-Society communications

3.1 Clarity on the pressures to adapt

3.2 The human interactions that support change

3.3 Promoting and sustaining experimentation

3.4 Accountability and following through


Champion Sr Therese H

S/T support:

Vic – recruitment and retention of new Members

Project team: Melissa W; Isabella M; Leo T; Mary R; Michael S; Rohan S; Susan D; Jenny P. Members wishing to join this team should contact congress@svdp.org.au

National Support:

  • Establish Teams site for Project team
  • Communicate on website
  • National Mission and Spirituality Network for advice on implementation
  • NCS via congress@svdp.org.au


Resources that explain the following are being considered:

  • Why Members do what they do (i.e. what are the benefits gained)
  • What is prayer
  • Why we pray
  • A guide on how to welcome people to Conferences
  • A companion to The Rule and the Prayer Card that provides a simple explanation of these documents.

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