
Project 2.4 - Sharing information and resources between Conferences

Pillar outcome: Establishing and Connecting Diverse Conferences


Lack of clear lines of communication, combined with physical distance, and information overload.

Need for organisational searchability of information, knowing who is who, and the ability to share our expertise and specialists.

Identified task(s)

  • Map of all Conferences on our portal
  • Directory of Members with contact information, with self-updating option, agreement to use personal details
  • Conference mobile phone number to engage across Conferences / States and Territories
  • Individual email accounts, and use of MS Teams to support chat / online meetings, and delivery of training, webinars and the portal
  • Member skills audit and sharing of expertise, with subscription option for areas of interest linked to role in Conference / chat channels.

Success indicator(s)

  • Ease of communication across borders (online meetings, directory, chats)
  • Simple to access resources, training, process and documents
  • Identifiable specialists / experts in the Society
  • Good information, technology, communication platforms
  • Quick turnaround from other Members / Conferences in response to requests for information

Related sub-projects

2.1 Vision for future Conference experiences

2.2 Simplified Conference ‘starter pack’

2.3 Support systems for new Conferences

2.5 Whole-of-Society communication

3.2 The human interactions that support change

3.3 Promoting and sustaining experimentation

3.4 Accountability and following through


Champion John F

S/T support:

CG – audit of existing resources across Australia; exchange program for youth, volunteers and staff

Project team: Michael Q; Marian P; Pat P; Vin H; Bernadette F; Shancy S; Veronica I; Tony P; Jo G; Cathy D; Trish M; Giselle S. Members wishing to join this team should contact congress@svdp.org.au

National Support:

  • Establish Teams site for Project team
  • Communicate on website
  • National Mission and Spirituality Network for advice on implementation
  • NCS via congress@svdp.org.au


The project team is looking at mechanisms at a Regional / Diocesan Council level that will lead to greater connections or networks being established between individual Conference Members.

The thinking is that by building stronger connections or networks, knowledge can be more readily shared that can be contextualised and is relevant to the specific needs of that Council. 

This will ideally lead to an increased culture of information sharing with the Society, which in turn should aid innovation and increase the adoption of new ideas and approaches.

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