
Project 1.3 - The new Vincentian experience

Pillar outcome: A new Member journey (including into leadership)


The gap between expectations and reality for potential and new Members:

  • Am I being welcomed and embraced?
  • Am I able to move quickly into Good Works?

Identified task(s)

  • Begin with open discussion. Let’s understand our prospective members, their hopes, skills, availability and expectations and clearly explain how the Society and Conferences work, and our expectations of new Members (intentional conversation).
  • Streamline recruitment and membership forms (easy to access, complete, ask questions) and explore options for national standardisation.
  • Create safe and supported entrance – adjusted meetings or gatherings, mentoring / buddies and an experience suited to the member. Provide affirmation and recognition across the Conference.

Success indicator(s)

  • The membership (or pre-membership) journey starts as soon as we meet. Conferences are intentional in our welcoming.
  • Sharing our stories, from existing Members to prospective and new Members.
  • Fulfilment happens through being able to make a difference (soon).
  • Our new Members feel safe, supported and included.
  • Sign-on process is accessible, well-supported and as simple as possible.

Related sub-projects

1.1 A diverse base for recruitment

1.2 Our compelling, shared story in 2023

1.6 Belong, believe, become

2.1 Vision for future Conference experiences

2.4 Sharing information and resources between Conferences

2.5 Whole-of-Society communication

3.2 The human interactions that support change

3.3 Promoting and sustaining experimentation

3.4 Accountability and following through


Champion Clare M, Susan D

S/T support:

Tas – Settling in and welcoming new Members

Project team: Nikki M; John D; Marissa P, Greg R, Maureen M. Members wishing to join this team should contact congress@svdp.org.au

National Support:

  • Establish Teams site for Project team
  • Communicate on website
  • National Mission and Spirituality Network for advice on implementation
  • NCS via congress@svdp.org.au


A best practice guide for existing Conference Members to ensure new or prospective Members feel welcomed and valued will be developed. This will be a principles-based approach, with a 'menu of options' that could guide Conference Members.

An example of a principle could be Reducing hurdles to becoming a Member. An option to achieve this could include assistance with filling out forms to become a Member.

The intent is to develop a checklist to allow Conference Members to consider a variety of ways to make sure new Members can feel welcome when they join the Society.

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