
Project 2.3 - Support system for new Conferences

Pillar outcome: Establishing and Connecting Diverse Conferences


How do new Conferences, once established, have the organisational support and governance they need to thrive?

Identified task(s)

  • Nationally agreed and shared, standard role descriptions and template for start-up
  • Induction as a Vincentian and mentoring, with mentor’s skills matched to roles of new Members
  • Paid Conference Support Officers to help coordinate, and centralised support for budget and recruitment
  • Support from multiple levels / multiple connection points in the Society
  • Setting short term goals to maintain momentum.

Success indicator(s)

Nationally available tools to support new Conferences to grow.

Related sub-projects

2.1 Vision for future Conference experiences

2.2 Simplified Conference ‘starter pack’

2.4 Sharing information and resources between Conferences

2.5 Whole-of-Society communication

3.2 The human interactions that support change

3.3 Promoting and sustaining experimentation

3.4 Accountability and following through


Champion Peta L and Dan K

S/T support:

Project team: Dennis I; Susan D. Members wishing to join this team should contact congress@svdp.org.au

National Support:

  • Establish Teams site for Project team
  • Communicate on website
  • National Mission and Spirituality Network for advice on implementation
  • NCS via congress@svdp.org.au


The project team will produce some materials that support a national mentoring program. This will include a description of a Mentor, the qualities a Mentor requires, and what expectations a Mentee should have of their Mentor.

To develop these materials, the role of Bailly with Youth in the Society is an excellent reference point.

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