
Project 2.2 - Simplified Conference 'Starter Pack'

Pillar outcome: Establishing and Connecting Diverse Conferences


The current model of establishing Conferences is often haphazard, leading to non-viability if it doesn’t set them up for success.

Identified task(s)

  • Develop a buddy network for new Conferences
  • Create simple starter pack:
    • At least three Members from a region to support (President, Vice-President, Treasurer & Secretary)
    • Five Members sign off as an aggregated Conference
    • All new Conferences have an experience buddy from within the Society
    • Basic training and formation
    • Support contacts
    • Promotion of new Conferences
    • Checklist of relevant compliance requirements.

Success indicator(s)

We have created flexible national guidelines for establishing new (including novel) Conferences.

Related sub-projects

1.2 Our compelling, shared story in 2023

2.1 Vision for future Conference experiences

2.3 Support systems for new Conferences

2.4 Sharing information and resources between Conferences

2.5 Whole-of-Society communication

3.2 The human interactions that support change

3.3 Promoting and sustaining experimentation

3.4 Accountability and following through


Champion Cathie P

S/T support:

Project team: John H; Margaret G; Dennis I. Members wishing to join this team should contact congress@svdp.org.au

National Support:

  • Establish Teams site for Project team
  • Communicate on website
  • National Mission and Spirituality Network for advice on implementation
  • NCS via congress@svdp.org.au


The project team is giving thought to what tools and templates would be helpful at a national level, for when new Conferences are established.

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