
Project 2.5 - Whole-of-Society communication

Pillar outcome: Establishing and Connecting Diverse Conferences


  • Communication is via a hierarchical chain;
  • Inconsistencies across jurisdictions;
  • Missing opportunities or duplication;
  • Lack of understanding of President’s role re communication
    • Different skillsets and comfort with technology
  • Lack of change management infrastructure
  • Need a shared database and communications tools.

Identified task(s)

  • Establish a Communication Coordinator within the Rule, supported by a communication role for Vice Presidents
  • Establish chain of comms that works, creating transparency and accountability
  • Push for consistency in comms across S/T
  • Make access between Members easier with national register of contacts
  • Engaging volunteers with grievance support and encouragement for membership pathway
  • Longer term goals identified at Congress in addition to quick wins above.

Success indicator(s)

To be confirmed.

Related sub-projects

2.1 Vision for future Conference experiences

2.2 Simplified Conference ‘starter pack’

2.3 Support systems for new Conferences

2.4 Sharing information and resources between Conferences

3.2 The human interactions that support change

3.3 Promoting and sustaining experimentation

3.4 Accountability and following through


Champion Kylan B

S/T support:

Vic – communication through Conferences and Regional Councils

Project team: Marian P; Michael R; Rose B; Heather K; Robin O; John F; Trish M; Tony P; John D; Cathy D; Des Q. Members wishing to join this team should contact congress@svdp.org.au

National Support:

  • Establish Teams site for Project team
  • Communicate on website
  • National Mission and Spirituality Network for advice on implementation
  • NCS via congress@svdp.org.au


The project team aims to improve communication across the Society through the establishment of a communication mechanism that:

  • improves transparency and accountability;
  • provide Members / staff (and other users?) with access to a national register of contacts;
  • includes a repository of information; 
  • makes communication and access between Members easier;
  • allow Members to easily access advocacy materials; and
  • facilitates a Question-and-Answer platform for Members.

The solution must complement, not duplicate, existing intranet sites or digital platforms currently in use across the Society.

The project team is gaining an understanding of what each State and Territory Council currently has in place to communicate with Members, and how Membership data is stored.

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