
Project 3.3 - Promoting and sustaining experimentation

Pillar outcome: Driving Change Well


Our Conferences and Members feel a lack of empowerment to experiment with new ways of working.

Identified task(s)

The actions behind this item can be performed by every Member:

  • New agenda item in each meeting: ‘image if…’ for new ideas, and debrief/reflection on past experiments with celebration.
  • Parameters for experimentation provided by each State (budget, time, resources, value alignment).
  • Toolkit to support experimentation (how to grow ideas) and an innovation / incubation ideas log accessible at a State level.

Success indicator(s)

  • A bias towards yes, as part of a culture of celebrating innovation and experimentation
  • Framework to enact new ideas
  • Good understanding of Member skills
  • Resources to support new ideas.

Related sub-projects

All sub-projects will use the product generated by this work.


Champion tbc

S/T support:

Project team: Shane B; Ben K. Members wishing to join this team should contact congress@svdp.org.au

National Support:

  • Establish Teams site for Project team
  • Communicate on website
  • National Mission and Spirituality Network for advice on implementation
  • NCS via congress@svdp.org.au



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