
Project 3.4 - Accountability and following through

Pillar outcome: Driving Change Well


  • It’s easy to get busy with our day jobs, which makes sticking to deadlines hard.
  • The resources to back the task aren’t always there.
  • Need to overcome resistance and old habits, for people to understand what’s in it for them, build a shared understanding and maintain visibility.
  • Staff and Member accountability – who’s responsible?
  • Other roadblocks: The Rule, cyclical and iterative change.

Identified task(s)

  • Change framework: structured plan at a State Council / State CEO level. A working group at a National level with representatives from States and Territories.
  • Continuing conversations: everyone at Congress has a responsibility to return to their Councils and share the stories and successes of Congress 2023+.
  • During our state groups, have a discussion around who would be interested in joining the ‘Accountability Committee’.
  • Create a permanent agenda item in meetings concerning change.

Success indicator(s)

  • Structured plan, broken down into achievable bits, and sticking to deadlines.
  • Shared understanding and clarity, with regular reporting, good data and visibility.
  • Network of leaders of change.
  • Accountability at local level too.
  • Base change on spirit, not the written word.

Related sub-projects

All sub-projects will use the product generated by this work.


Champion: Ryan Erlandsen

S/T support:

NT – seeking to align corporate and membership side for vision and accountability

Qld – follow-up meeting with Congress reps to drive accountability

Project team: Barb A; Neil D; Kay F; Kasia H; Joy K; Rosie C; Evelyn O; Melodee-Ruth E; Tom E; Clare M; Susan D, Wanda K, Fabian J. Members wishing to join this team should contact congress@svdp.org.au

National Support:

  • Establish Teams site for Project team
  • Communicate on website
  • National Mission and Spirituality Network for advice on implementation
  • NCS via congress@svdp.org.au


The project team is working on a Change / Progress framework, as well as reporting requirements for all project teams.

The project team is encouraging all project teams to develop a very small project plan that clearly identifies the project deliverables and timeframes for their delivery.

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