
Project 3.2 - The human interactions that support change

Pillar outcome: Driving Change Well


At the end of they day, change in the Society takes place through individual changes in each of us, and the way in which we interact.

How do we each play our part in supporting change in the Society?

Identified task(s)

The actions behind this item can be performed by every Member:

  • Seek interactions outside of formal meetings to build relationships and create an environment for welcoming change (a safe space)
  • Connect with other Conferences and Companions to create a community for change, that’s listening and responding to need
  • Include intentional conversations about change in Conference meetings, including spiritual reflections. Be open and acknowledge discomfort.

Success indicator(s)

  • The power of reflection to routinely examine change and to stay connected to purpose. Community and family refocus to purpose.
  • We can acknowledge, listen, hear and validate the fear and resistance people may feel, with gentleness and capacity. We can name and validate struggles without immediate solutions.
  • The need for change is recognized and accepted organically across the Society (not told).
  • Asking Companions how best we can serve.

Related sub-projects

All sub-projects will use the product generated by this work.


Champion tbc

S/T support:

Project team: Anne K. Members wishing to join this team should contact congress@svdp.org.au

National Support:

  • Establish Teams site for Project team
  • Communicate on website
  • National Mission and Spirituality Network for advice on implementation
  • NCS via congress@svdp.org.au


Not commenced - Champion and project team sought.

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